SFOL 25 Return of the Blue Dragon II Unseen and Mercenary Win!





/backup RIP unseen if I get subbed in

Everyone has confirmed and the sun sets on the castle of Adiart. Everyone reports to their rooms.

Night 1 begins and will end on Sunday June 3rd @ 8:00 AM Eastern a Standard Time

  • End night early. Ending on sometime on Saturday June 2nd
  • End night on scheduled time. Sunday June 3rd and 8:00 AM EST

0 voters

I have all the night actions and right now it is irl night and I am done for the day will check this when I wake up.



Actually /spectate

Techwolves is being added to all the PMā€™s donā€™t be scared if you see him

(May I trashpost at here?)

1 Like

The night happened people slept and the sunrises and we see 2 dead bodies on the ground


The Alcoholic

Unseen Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - As a Royal, you can put your name forward for nominations to become the next King.
Debauchery (Night) - Get in a playerā€™s way, causing them to target you. Does not work with conversion abilities. - Infinite uses.
Happy Hour (Night) - Occupy and get rid of your targetā€™s night and occupy immunities for the night. - 2 uses.
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The police has identified this Body as Sir Moleland the best Mole of them all. He was always drunk though.

The killer has left a death note:



The Soulcatcher (Unique):shield:

Unseen Support
Devoted (Passive) - You are Immune to one attack on your life.
Call the Dead (Passive) - Communicate with the dead at night.
Bind Soul (Day) - Makes a player Immune to death tonight. - 1 use.
Collect Soul (Night)- If your target dies you will obtain their soul. - Infinite uses (You start with 2 souls)
Reanimate (Night) - Bring a dead Unseen player back to life. Each night they remain alive, a soul will be consumed. If you have no souls, or are converted, the player dies. You can target all players, but will only successfully revive Unseen members. They will be convert immune. - 1 use.
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

This was Idenitfied as Whammerist


The killer has left a deathnote

I have info!

/vote Marluxion

Claim and N1 please! :slight_smile:


/unvote I misread it

D2 has started voting and discussion may now begin

Day will end on June 6th unless majority is reached

How did Whammerist die? Shouldnā€™t he have immunity


The fucking death note on mole is 10/10
Iā€™m still laughing at it

Cause the insurgent shouldnā€™t have the bypass available yet