SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Ok neutral killer

Actually no what /vote marl

There is no day 1 lynch u nub!

Bro have you ever watched movies? Bounty hunters treat their ladies hella well

Unfortunately, for you, Marl is a guy

let them take a scum.

Some neutrals are pretty annoying, but only 2/18 are scum if cult game, and 1/18 if unseen game. He’s unlikely to be scum unfortunately.
(Queen doesn’t count, obviously)

Why the hell is there no day 1 lynch ;(

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Dont forget to vote here btw. :eyes:

Unless you want from me to use roulette.

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So Bounty Hunter can’t lose N1 lol

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Good point but theres also the possibility that they fail their perfect chance LOL

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I pity the one who has to keep Memesky of all people alive


@Scum aim for meme just in case BH doesn’t protecc him tonight

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@psychoneirik Is it start of day or end of day

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If start of day, we only got night to kill the BH, if end of day, we got night and a trial

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Sorry, was asleep

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Why did Celeste spam me with 100 likes

Returning the favour maybe?

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No u

What favor
darn Brits