The Golden Dragon SFoL Class cards

The Queen
Unique Special, Unknown Alignment. Replaces the King.
Royal Audience (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. The Queen can talk with all royals at night.
Loyalty (Passive) - If the starting Good Queen is executed on trial or killed by a Royal Guard, everyone with Royal Blood will lose it.
The Royal Finger (Day) - Put someone immediately on trial. This counts towards the trial limit. 2 uses.
Heir (Day) - Select a player and give them Royal Blood, or remove it if they already have it. 3 uses if starting Queen, 1 otherwise.
Guards! - Prevent all visits to a player. Can target yourself. 4 uses if starting Queen, 2 otherwise.
Royal Decree - Prevent a player from being accused tomorrow, and prevent any day abilities except your own from being used on them. 3 uses. Only starting queen has this ability.
Goal: Make sure your faction wins. If you are neutral, your goal is to survive.

Note: Golden Dragon, Unseen, Cult and Neutral Queen have the same abilities. Neutral Killers turn into the Psycho Queen.

The Golden Dragon
Objective: Defeat the Cult/Unseen, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Bailiff
Unique Golden Dragon, Investigative. Cannot be converted. Golden Dragon always start with a Bailiff
Interrogate (Day) - Select a player. You will know who they visited the last 2 nights. 2 uses.
Investigate (Night) - Check if a player is a member of the Unseen or Cult. Unlimited uses.
Holy shield (Night) - Select a player, they will be immune to conversion for the next 2 nights. 2 uses. (Only available in cult games).
Surveille (Night) - Prevent all visits on a player other than yourself. You will know if a member of the unseen visits them. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Cult/Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Convert immune

The Librarian
Golden Dragon, Investigative. Converts into the Curator or the Seeker.
Hidden records (Day) - Tonight, your record search ability can find murder records. If your target has ever killed anyone, you will get the following message: “Your target has murder records.” 1 use.
Extensive research (Day) - Tonight, your record search ability will also return the target’s class type. 1 use.
Record search (Night) - Learn a player’s records. Unlimited uses.
There are three types of records: Medical records, Criminal records and Royal records. You will get one message for every type of record a player has. If a player has no records you will get the message. “Your target has no records.”
If your target has a healing ability, or if they have been affected by a healing ability before (whether it was required or not), you will get the following message: “Your target has medical records.”
If your target has an investigative ability, or if an investigative ability has been used on them you will get the following message: “Your target has criminal records”
If your target has ever had royal blood, or has ever been visited by a royal (including The Queen) you will get the following message: “Your target has royal records.”
Goal: defeat the Cult/Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Cult points 2

The Gravekeeper
Golden Dragon, Investigative. Converted into a Mortician or the Seeker
Last Breath (Passive) - Your flip and logs cannot be changed or deleted by any abilities. If you die at night, the court will know the results of any abilities you used on the night you died.
Stalk (Night) - Select a player. You will know who visits your target. If a Killer, Offensive or Special role visits them you will be alerted. Unlimited uses.(If one of those class types visits your target you will get the following message: “You saw a suspicious figure visit your target last night.”. You wont be alerted if the Mastermind visits your target the first 3 nights).
Exhume (Night) - Select a dead player. You will get all the notifications they got the night they died. 2 uses. (Includes stuff that happened to them and the results they got on the night of their death).
Goal: defeat the Cult/Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Cult points 2:
Cult alts:

2 points (Last breath): Mithras approval (Passive) - If you are sacrificed by Blood of Mithras, the cult leader will be guaranteed to kill their target that night (bypasses healing, redirection, immunity and prevention).

The Medic
Golden Dragon, Support. Converts into the surgeon or the Ritualist.
Toxin Immunity (Passive) - Immune to poison and bleeding.
Overtime (Day) - The target of tonight’s “Cure wounds” will also be healed the following night. (the extra heal doesn’t count as a visit) 1 use.
Cure wounds (Night) - Heal a player from attacks, poison or bleeding. Unlimited uses.
Double shift (Night) - Heal two players from attacks, poison or bleeding. 1 use.
Goal: defeat the Cult/Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Cult points 2:
Cult alts:

1 point (Double shift): Blood transfusion (Night) - Make the entire cult night immune tonight and cure any poison or bleeding effects on them. - 1 use.
1 point (Cure wounds): Mithras’s Mercy (Night) - The Cult Leader’s Blood of Mithras will not kill the Cult member that is targeted. - 1 use
1 point (Overtime): Scalpel (Day) - The cult leader will gain an extra use of rupture - 1 use.

The Mage
Golden Dragon, Support. Converts into the enchanter or the ritualist.
Hocus Pocus! (Night) - Select a player. They can only be visited by support and killer roles tonight. Unlimited uses. (Cult leader can visit the player if they are trying to use blood of mithras, but not if they are trying to convert).
Portal Trick (Night) - Select a player. Everyone that tries to visit them tonight will be immune to occupation, redirection and visit prevention. They will not be notified. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Cult/Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Cult points 2: Each ability costs 2
Cult alts:

2 points (Hocus pocus): Path of blood (Night) - Select a player. They can only be visited by the cult leader tonight. 1 use.

The Spy
Golden Dragon, Social. Converts into the Double Agent or the apostle.
Secret Message (Day) - Send an anonymous message to another player. 3 uses.
Hearsay (Night) - Select up to three players. They will be able to send you a message each. All three messages will be delivered to you at the end of the night, but you will not know who sent each of them. Unlimited uses.
Spread Gossip (Night) - Select a player, they will be able to send an anonymous message to the court. It will be displayed at the beginning of the day. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Cult/Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Cult points 2

The Elder
Golden Dragon, Social. Converts into the Senior or the apostle.
Respect the elderly (Passive) - If the elder is executed on trial, the exact class and faction of the first person that accused him will be revealed. If the Queen was the first to accuse, then the second person to accuse will be revealed instead.
Moral Support (Day) - Select a player. All their votes will count as two today. 2 uses.
Elder’s advice (Day) - Today, your next vote for pardon will count as three (can be used during a trial). - 1 use.
Scold (Night) - Prevent a player from accusing anyone of treason tomorrow. Only your target player will be notified about this. Cannot target the Queen. Unlimited uses.
Words of Wisdom (Night) - Send an anonymous message to the whole court. 3 uses.
Goal: defeat the Cult/Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Cult points 2:
Cult alts:

1 point (Respect the elderly): Eye of Corax (Passive) - If you are executed on trial, the exact class of the first person to accuse you (excluding the Queen) will be revealed in private to the Cult Leader.

The Innkeeper
Golden Dragon, Offensive. Converts into the Tavern Keeper or invoker.
Busy man (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Special Mead (Day) - Serve a special mead instead of beer tonight. Your night abilities will bypass occupy immunity tonight. 1 use.
Special Ale (Day) - Serve a special ale instead of beer tonight. Everyone occupied by your night abilities tonight will also be occupied the following night. 1 use.
On the house! (Night) - Give a free beer to a player, occupying them tonight. Unlimited uses.
Dinner Night (Night) - Make a dinner at a player’s room. Everyone that visits them tonight will be occupied. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Cult/Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Cult points 2:

The Captain
Golden Dragon, Offensive. Converts into the Commander or Invoker.
On Duty (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Command (Night) - Select two players. Force the first player to target the second one. Can force a player to target you, but can’t force them to target themselves. Unlimited uses.
Stand Guard (Night) - If you are attacked tonight prevent the attack and both you and your attacker will start bleeding and die in one day unless healed. You will not know who attacked you. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Cult/Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Cult points 2:
Cult alts:

1 point (Stand Guard): Wall of Blood (Night) - Prevent all visits to a cult member. 1 use.

The Royal Guard
Golden Dragon, Killer. Converts into the Warden or Invoker
Public Execution (Day) - Sacrifice your life to kill a player in plain daylight. Cannot be used until Day 3. Cannot target the Queen. 1 use.
Duel (Night) - Follow a player tonight. If said player would attack someone, you will prevent said attack and fight them. The wounds of the fight will cause both you and your target to bleed and die in one day unless healed. Unlimited uses. (Your target will be notified and will know your identity).
Coup (Night) - Sacrifice your life to kill the Queen, bypassing her Guards! ability. Cannot be used until Night 3. 1 use.
Goal: defeat the Cult/Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Cult points 2:
Cult alts:

1 point (Duel): Double edged (Night): Bleed both yourself and another player. You will both die in one day unless healed. 1 use.
1 point (Coup): Mithras’ Crown (Night) The Cult leader will ignore the Queen’s Guards! ability tonight. 1 use.
2 points (Public execution): Public Sacrifice (Day) - Sacrifice your life to kill a player in plain daylight. The cult leader won’t be able to use Blood of Mithras today. 1 use.

The Executioner
Unique Golden Dragon, Killer. Converts into the Hangman or Invoker.
Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection
Stalk (Day) - You will follow a player tonight, learning who they visit. Said player will know you are watching them. Can be used on day 1. Unlimited uses. (Target player will get a message at the beginning of the night saying “The Executioner or Hangman is watching your every move.”).
Questionable Methods (Day) - Select a player. If they are Neutral, Cult or Unseen they will start bleeding and die in two days. The executioner is not notified if this ability worked or not, and the target player is not notified if they are Golden Dragon. 1 use.
Death Sentence (Night) - Sentence a player to death. You will be able to kill them the next night. Cannot be used until night 2. 3 uses. (This ability has no effects on the player, it just allows you to kill them the following night. Your target is notified if you use this ability on them, so they have the whole day to claim in public and try to convince the executioner that they are good).
Execute (Night) - Kill your sentenced player, bypassing everything. Cannot be used until night 3. 1 use.
Goal: defeat the Cult/Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Cult points 2:
Cult alts:

1 point (Questionable Methods): Deep wound (Day) - Today, the cult leader’s rupture ability will kill in one day instead of two. (the bleeding player will still believe they will die in 2 days). 1 use.
2 points, Gives you both Mark of Blood and Sacrifice.
(Death Sentence): Mark of blood (Night): Sentence a player to death. Cannot be used until night 2. 2 uses.
(Execute): Sacrifice (Night): - The cult leader can sacrifice your sentenced player instead of a cult member tonight for Blood of Mithras. 1 use.


The Assassin
Unique, Unseen Killer
Hidden Blade (Day) - Cut your target, causing them to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 4 uses (shared)
Distract (Day) - Distract a player, rendering them unable to use any day abilities for the rest of the day. - 1 use
Assassinate (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
2-for-1 (Night) - Kill two target players. - 1 use (shared)
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Mastermind
Unique, Unseen Special
Can’t Touch This (Passive) - Immune to death at night, occupation and target changing. Players who attempt to occupy you or change your target will believe it succeeded. Additionally, you will know who you would’ve been redirected to if a player attempts to change your target.
Lurking Presence (Passive) - If you are killed within the first 3 nights your next in line will take your place as Mastermind, and you do not appear as Unseen to all investigations for those nights.
Dirty Work (Day) - If there are no more Unseen members left, you can become The Assassin at the beginning of the night. - 1 use
Shadow Echoes (Day) - Send an anonymous message to another player. 2 uses.
Convert (Night) - Change target player into the Unseen version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Foresight (Night) - Determine a player’s converted class type, or if they cannot be converted. - 4 uses
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Curator
Unseen, Investigative. Converts from the Librarian.
Extensive research (Day) - Your record search ability will also return the target’s exact class tonight. 1 use.
Record search (Night) - Learn a player’s records. Unlimited uses.
There are three types of records: Medical records, Criminal records and Royal records. You will get one message for every type of record a player has. If a player has no records you will get the message. “Your target has no records.”
If your target has a healing ability, or if they have been affected by a healing ability before (whether it was required or not), you will get the following message: “Your target has medical records.”
If your target has an investigative ability, or if an investigative ability has been used on them you will get the following message: “Your target has criminal records”
If your target has ever had royal blood, or has ever been visited by a royal (including The Queen) you will get the following message: “Your target has royal records.”
Clean records(Night) - Make a player appear not suspicious to investigators tonight. 3 uses.
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Mortician
Unseen, Investigative. Converts from the Gravekeeper.
Backtrack (Day)- If the bailiff uses “Interrogate” today you will know their results. 1 use.
Stalk (Night) - Select a player. You will know who visits your target. If a Support or Investigative role visits them you will be alerted. Unlimited uses.(If one of those class types visits your target you will get the following message: “You saw a friendly looking figure visit your target last night.”).
Fake Autopsy (Night) - Select yourself or a member of the unseen. If said player dies tonight or is executed on trial tomorrow, they will appear as a class of your choice. 2 uses._
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Surgeon
Unseen, Support. Converts from the Medic.
Toxin Immunity (Passive) - Immune to poison and bleeding.
Double shift (Night) - Select a member of the unseen and heal them from attacks, poison or bleeding. Can target yourself. 3 uses.
Placebo (Night) - Select a player and prevent healers from visiting them. If said player was poisoned/bleeding they will believe they were healed. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Enchanter
Unseen, Support. Converts from the Mage
Now you see me… (Night) - Select a non-unseen player. He can only be visited by the Unseen tonight. 2 uses.
…Now you dont! (Night) - Select a member of the unseen. Prevents everyone from visiting them. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Double Agent
Unseen, Social. Converts from the Spy
Secret Message (Day) - Send an anonymous message to another player. Unlimited uses.
Clean-up (Day) - Whoever is lynched today will have their logs and class hidden from the court. You will know their exact class and logs. 1 use.
Walls have ears (Night) - Select up to three players. They will be able to send you a message each. All three messages will be delivered to you at the end of the night, and you will know exactly who sent them. Unlimited uses.
Spread Gossip (Night) - Select yourself or another player, they will be able to send an anonymous message to the court. It will be displayed at the beginning of the day. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Senior
Unseen, Social. Converts from The Elder.
Loved by the court (Passive) - If you are executed on trial, you will appear as “The Elder”.
Respect the elderly (Passive) - If the elder is executed on trial, the first person to accuse him will be revealed as a class of your choice.
Moral Support (Day) - Select a player. All their votes will count as two. 2 uses.
Elder’s advice (Day) - Today, your next vote for pardon will count as three (can be used during a trial). - 1 use.
Scold (Night) - Prevent a player from accusing anyone of treason tomorrow. Only your target player will be notified about this. Unlimited uses.
Words of Wisdom (Night) - Send an anonymous message to the whole court. 3 uses.
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Tavern keeper
Unseen, Offensive. Converts from The Innkeeper.
Busy man (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Special Mead (Day) - Serve a special mead instead of beer tonight. Your night abilities will bypass occupy immunity tonight. 1 use.
Special Ale (Day) - Serve a special ale instead of beer tonight. Everyone occupied by your night abilities tonight will also be occupied the following night. 1 use.
On the house! (Night) - Give a free beer to a player, occupying them tonight. Unlimited uses.
Dinner Night (Night) - Make a dinner at a player’s room. Everyone that visits them tonight will be occupied. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Commander
Unseen, Offensive. Converts from The Captain
On Duty (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Command (Night) - Select two players. Force the first player to target the second one. Can force a player to target you, but can’t force them to target themselves. Unlimited uses.
Cruelty (Night) - Make a player start bleeding. They will die in one day unless healed. 1 use.
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Hangman
Unseen, Offensive. Converts from the executioner.
Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection
Stalk (Day) - You will follow a player tonight, learning who they visit. Said player will know you are watching them. Unlimited uses. (Target player will get a message at the beginning of the night saying “The Executioner or Hangman is watching your every move.”).
Psychological Torture (Day) - Make a player believe they are bleeding. Their bleeding will appear to have been healed the next night. 2 uses.
Death Sentence (Night) - Sentence a player to death. 3 uses. (This ability has no effects on the player, it just makes them think the executioner might try to kill them).
Knock out (Night) - Occupy your sentenced player and prevent everyone except the assassin from visiting them tonight. 1 use.
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Warden
Unseen, Killer. Converts from the Royal Guard.
Public Execution (Day) - Sacrifice your life to kill a player in plain daylight. Cannot be used until Day 3. Cannot target the Queen. 1 use.
Second Chance (Night) - Select a player. If the assassin is unable to kill their target tonight for any reason, you will attack said player. Unlimited uses.
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Cult

Cult Points

The Apostle
Cult Social
Voice of Darkness (Day) - Send an anonymous message to another player. 1 use.
Shadow Whisper (Day) - You may send a message privately to all Cult members. - 1 use
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Cult Leader
Unique, Cult Special
Train (Passive) - At any point before the start of the first night, you may message the GM and choose the Cult alts that the Cult class that spawned with you will receive, based on a non-unique class they can be converted from. If you do not choose the Cult alts, they will receive a random valid set.
Disguise (Day) - If the target player dies tonight, they will appear as a class of your choice. - 3 uses
Rupture (Day) - Cause a player to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 4 uses (shared)
Brainwash (Night) - Change target player into the Cult version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Blood of Mithras (Night) - Kill a Cult player and a non-Cult player. The first use of this will not kill the cult player. - Infinite uses
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Invoker
Cult Offensive
Fanatic (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Bewilder (Day) - If target player tries to use a day ability, they will target themselves (they won’t be notified). - 1 use
Strings of Corax (Night) - Control a player into targeting another. - 1 use
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Ritualist
Cult Support
Will of Mithras (Day) - Make a Cult Member appear not suspicious to investigators. - 1 use
Teleport (Night) - Select two players. Anyone visiting one of them will target the other. Can target yourself. - 1 use
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Seeker
Cult Investigative
Expose (Day) - If the Bailiff uses interrogate today you will know their results. - 1 use
Gaze (Night) - Learn a player’s class type. - 2 uses
Goal: defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Neutrals (Non NK)

The Bounty Hunter
Unique Neutral, Offensive
Your last job (Passive) - You will be given a random target at the beginning of the game. If your target dies on trial or is killed by anyone else you will commit suicide the following night.

Notes: Your target can be any class from any faction except for the Bailiff, the Queen or any class with permanent death immunity. A message will appear in chat telling everyone that there is a bounty hunter trying to kill said player, and there will be a small symbol next to their name that everyone can see. (Example: “There is a bounty for John Smith’s [12] head!”)

A new life (Passive) - One day after you successfully kill your target you will collect your bounty. After you collect your bounty you will win and leave the castle along with a player of your choice (except the Queen). (Leaving the castle is the same as dying).

Intimidate (Day) - Select a player. He will be unable to visit your target for the next two nights. You can also use this ability on your target to occupy them through immunity tonight. 3 uses.

The Perfect Chance (Night) - Attempt to kill your target. If your target is still alive after using this ability, you will commit suicide. 1 use.

This is MY job (Night) - Your target will be immune to death tonight and cannot be accused for treason tomorrow. You will also heal any poison or bleeding on them. 3 uses.

Goal: Kill your target and collect the bounty.

The Shaman
Unique, Neutral, Offensive.
Meditation (Passive) - Immune to death and occupation.
Pact (Passive) - You will commit suicide on Night 6. This cannot be prevented in any way.
Soul Link (Day) - Select two players. If one of them dies tonight, the other will commit suicide. (suicide can be healed and won’t kill death immune players). 3 uses.
The Evil Eye (Day) - Can only be used during a trial. If the person on trial is pardoned, they will commit suicide tonight. (suicide can be healed and won’t kill death immune players) 2 uses.
Seance (Night) - Discover if a player is able to kill at night. Unlimited uses.
Voodoo Ritual (Night) - Force a player to target another. Bypasses occupy immunity. 3 uses.
Goal: Survive.

The Cleric
Neutral, Support.
Sanctuary (Passive) - People trying to visit you cannot be occupied or redirected, and their visit will be hidden from investigators. If they are an attacker, their attack will bypass healing.
Brotherhood (Passive) - If you would be attacked at night, redirect the attack to one of your visitors except the attacker, bypassing redirection immunity. If only the attacker visits you, you will die.
Blessing (Day) - Select a player. If they visit you tonight they will get a blessing that lasts for two days. The blessing makes the player immune to conversion, hides their visits and makes them appear not suspicious to investigators. 2 uses.
Mark of Light (Night) - Heal a player from attacks, poison or bleeding. If you are attacked tonight, the attack will be redirected to said player (bypasses redirection immunity). 2 uses.
Circle of Healing (Night) - Heal everyone that visits you tonight from attacks, poison or bleeding. Unlimited uses.

Goal: Survive

The Diseased
Neutral, Offensive
Chronic disease (Passive) - At the beginning of each day (starting from day 2) if you are not poisoned or bleeding you will become bleeding. You will die in 2 days unless healed.
Sympathy (Passive) Immune to death and occupation.
Insurance (Day) - Anyone that tries to heal you tonight will be immune to death and occupation. 3 uses.
Pity (Night) - Select a player. Anyone trying to visit said player will visit you instead, they will not know they were redirected. Unlimited uses.
Expunge (Night) - Everyone who visits you tonight will die. If at least one person dies this way you will be healed of any poison/bleeding. 2 uses.

Goal: Survive.

The Accused
Unique Neutral, Offensive. Always spawns with Lawyer and Prosecutor
Human Resources (Passive) - Immune to poison, bleeding, death and occupation.
Missing record (Passive) - You are allied to a random faction (GD or Unseen/Cult). If you are allied to the GD and executed on trial, all the members of the cult/unseen will gain one extra use of their limited use abilities.
Suspicious activities (Night) - Occupy a player. Unlimited uses.
Sketchy reunion (Night) - Target a player, occupy all members of your rival faction attempting to visit your target. 3 uses.
Goal: Survive to see your faction win.

The Lawyer
Unique Neutral, Social. Always spawns with Accused and Prosecutor
Restless (Passive) - Immune to occupation. If the accused is executed you will die the next night.
Confidentiality agreement (Passive) - You know who the Accused is. You can talk to the Accused at night.
Bribe (Day) - Prevent a player from voting and force them to vote pardon for the rest of the day. Doesn’t work on the Queen or the Prosecutor. 2 uses.
Burn the evidence (Night) - Hide the Accused’s visits from investigators. 3 uses. (This also works on the bailiff’s Interrogate ability, hiding visits from the night it was used on).
Paid witness (Night) - Select a player, if they are occupied by the accused they will believe their action succeeded. 2 uses. (Note: Healers will believe the target didn’t require healing, Investigators will get not suspicious results, etc. If the player is occupy immune they will not be notified that someone attempted to occupy them.).
Goal: Make sure the accused achieves their goal.

The Prosecutor
Unique Neutral, Investigative. Always spawns with Lawyer and Accused.
Restless (Passive) - Immune to occupation.
Trial Knowledge (Passive) - You know who the Accused is.
The trial begins (Day) - Put the Accused immediately on trial. Cannot be used before day 3. 1 use.
Eavesdrop (Day) - At the end of the night, you will get a copy of the Lawyer and Accused’s night chat. 1 use.
Gather proof (Night) - Follow the Accused to see who they visit. Unlimited uses.
Forge evidence (Night) - Make a player believe they were occupied. 3 uses.
(Target player will receive a message saying they were prevented from using their action and won’t get any feedback messages from their abilities, but their ability will still go through. If the player is occupy immune they will get a message saying someone tried to occupy them instead).
Goal: Make sure the accused is executed on trial.

Neutral Killers

The Evil Twin
Neutral, Killer. Always spawns with The Good Twin
Special Bond (Passive) - You and your twin can communicate at night. If your twin dies at night, his killer will be revealed to you.
The Evil Gene (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Slash (Night) - Kill a player. Unlimited uses.
Psycho protector (Night) - Protect your twin tonight, healing any poison or bleeding effects on him and making him night immune. Everyone who visits your twin tonight will die. 3 uses.
**Goal: Defeat the Golden Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Good Twin
Neutral, Support. Always spawns with The Evil Twin.
Special Bond (Passive) - You and your twin can communicate at night. If your twin dies, you die as well.
The Good Gene (Passive) - You are immune to occupation. You will appear as BD to investigative results.
Swap (Day) - Swap class cards with your twin for the rest of the game. 1 use. (You will become the evil twin and the evil twin will become the good Twin)
Cleanup (Night) - Make your twin occupy immune and hide his visits from investigators. 3 uses. (Also works on Bailiff’s Interrogate).
Smart Protector (Night) - Heal your twin from any poison or bleeding, and occupy anyone trying to visit him. 3 uses
Goal: You win as long as your twin achieves their goal, even if you are dead.

The Count
Neutral, Social. (Has neutral killer goal and can’t spawn with a neutral killer)
Win Condition
Defeat the BD, Unseen/Cult and anyone who opposes you.
Tyranny (Passive) - At any point in the game, you can DM the host to publicly reveal yourself as the Count. If you do this, all your votes and accusations will count as three.
Resolve (Passive) - Immune to death and occupation at night. You will appear as BD to investigative roles and your occupation immunity is hidden.
Mimic (Day) - Select any ability from a non-killing Golden Dragon class and use it. If its a night ability, it will be used tonight instead (it will not count as visiting). 4 uses.
Fate decided (Night) - Kill a player in plain daylight. 0 uses, you gain 1 use each time a member of the Golden Dragon is executed on trial.
Sow Discord (Night) - Select a player and make them appear suspicious to investigative results. Unlimited uses.
Political Backlash (Night) - Select two players. If the first one would be executed on trial, the second one will die instead. Can target yourself. 2 uses.
**Goal: Defeat the Golden Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Note: If the Count steps up he will turn into a Psycho Queen, since he is technically a Neutral Killer.

The Beast Lord
Neutral, Killer.
Survival Instincts (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Lion Form (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Morph (Day) - Change your second passive to a different one. You will keep that passive until you change it again. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-day cooldown.

Available passives:

  • Lion Form (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
  • Snake Form (Passive) - You are immune to poison/bleeding. Doesn’t heal you if you change to this passive while you were already poisoned/bleeding.
  • Chameleon Form (Passive) - Your night abilities don’t count as visiting.
  • Owl Form (Passive) - You are unaffected by day abilities, except for poison or bleeding. People that use a day ability on you will believe they succeeded.
  • Eagle Form (Passive) - You will know who visits you every night.

Rampage (Day) - Your night ability will be instantly available tonight if its on cooldown. 1 use.
Tiger companion (Night) - Kill two players. Unlimited uses, but has a one-night cooldown.
Tame (Night) - Change your first night ability to a different one. You will keep that ability until you change it again. Unlimited uses.

Available night abilities:

  • Tiger companion (Night) - Kill two players. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Rhinoceros companion (Night) - Kill a player. Bypasses healing and death immunity. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Crocodile companion (Night) - Kill a player and anyone that visits them. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Bear companion (Night) - Kill everyone visiting you. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Wolf companion (Night) - Make a player start bleeding. They will die in one day unless healed. Unlimited uses. (This is the only night ability that doesn’t have a cooldown).

Goal: Defeat the Golden Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Psycho Queen
Unique Special, Unknown Alignment. Replaces the King.
Royal Audience (Passive) - You are immune to death, occupation and redirection. The Queen can talk with all royals at night.
The Royal Finger (Day) - Put someone immediately on trial. This counts towards the trial limit. 2 uses.
Heir (Day) - Select a player and give them Royal Blood, or remove it if they already have it. 1 use.
Guards! - Kill a player. Unlimited uses.
Goal: Defeat the Golden Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Crowned from Neutral Killers or The Baron.

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There is Cult points for the GD but I don’t see any cult? Also what happened to the adapt and evolve mechanic I don’t see that anymore here

Cult classes are the same as classic FoL, the only thing that changes are the class alts. Adapt and evolve was moved further down the list because it wasn’t ready yet. So if this gets approved I will be hosting this first.

Btw can we plz not have the Masochist or a worser punishment for killing him (and not on prince)

Other than that everything seems great :+1:

I suggest adding a cult tab with their faction so people know that cult is an option

There is no prince in this game btw


Why does a NK be punished for doing what it’s MEANT to do

There should not be a class that counters the evils killing Ability

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There’s a Troll Box.

Where? I thought I removed them all

Wait there isn’t?

Well shoulda read a bit more then


What NK is that?

Masochist is immune to death but if they die at night then the killer dies? Bypassing immunity only would cause that though

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Oops, let me fix that

Why do the evils get punished for killing

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What masochist? :thinking:
I dont see any class named that way on the list

There is a pen! There was an edit!

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The accused if allied to the unseen/cult should show up as that

That would ruin the fun of having to convince people otherwise as lawyer/prosecutor if someone could just go and check them.