SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Can’t be CL

Yeah he can. Cl isn’t immune.

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How do we know that tho?

Not that. I know his class

Oh okay.

So let’s push on squid.

You’re saying that but it doesn’t nessesary mean it’s a truth 100%.

No. But he can confirm it himself tonight.

He could have used rhino form as well to pierce immunity, but you can correct that he failed to kill meme, which means meme is death immune

Btw I feel betrayed by you. I’m still waiting. :frowning:

I cant be read bh’s card

There are other scum classes that are not immune to death, you could be one of those (we can’t entirely rule out that possibility)

If he switched to rhino form, THEN HE WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN ABLE TO KILL

ugh I swear, the people in this game…

Wait why are we bothering meme when there is a less of chance of him being scum since he had a bounty.

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That makes no fucking sense

Unless you’re saying he’s not mm… Which means ur probably scum…

Wait what?

Does bounty mean less chance of scum :thinking:

Aww shit, yeah he has to use an action to switch my bad



From vulgard’s flip

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There is nothing in BH classcard that scum or neutral can’t be his bounty.