SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

Guys the scorned framed me last night and I am now the fool

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If it’s needed i will post my reads, right now i’m trying to figure out who might be NK or Assassin.

NK is marl

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How tho

Yeah you missed our big post fight with sam earlier trying to execute the GD sided accused

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That makes sense if he want to hang Neutral just to buy some time. But i wouldn’t be sure yet tho.

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Now. Marl might not be NK.

But still is probably scum.

I’d rather go for Marl than a Htm lynch today tbh.

Marl is the Beast Lord currently in Snake form

Why kill the GD accused claim. Once again, it literally gives us no info.

Who claimed it tho lol


Sam is GD accused?

I have feeling whoever murdered Hippo, he probably didn’t read a confirmation stage. :thinking:

no, he tried to kill GD accused, which is ethos

he wants an executioner to kill ethos btw

Oh. Prosecutor 17z then?

Or normal VI 17z

Like i don’t believe anyone would just go straight up for Hippo EVEN after asking for protectives.

We are guessing prosecutor sam, or even scum sam

Tbf. I got to read sam.

Tfw you want to replace out because pug is annoying but you don’t want to give up your cool class