SFoL 27: The Golden Dragon - Golden Dragon, Lawyer, Accused and Neutral Queen won!

2 is good 1-3 is evil

@discobot roll 1d3

I have strong town motivation to give free information to the uninformed majority. I’ve outed myself as something confirmable with no obligation to do so. Running me down shows that you’re scum.

:game_die: 2

Also gd shouldn’t focus on me they should be deducing you. And figuring out what faction you are. I mean I say you are scum

You Have no town motivation and 0 motivation to find scum. All you did is act like a neut an outed yourself

Sam he is proven gud.

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What do you mean he has no town motivation? if he had none,he would not have admitted to outting himself as accused

No… I gave information that wasn’t asked me because I wanted to help GD figure out what was going on with the multiple claims of attempts to occupy.

And besides, your math is garbage.

50% BD
50% scum

That is self preservation not town motivation

Thanks for reminding me, PKR and Squid claimed they were occupied, so i honestly think one is scum and im leaning towards squid on the matter

66% chance ethos is scum

Im not gonna lie, you dug yourself a very deep grave here

Sam if you have a 66 percent chance your scum we should hang you even if your good?

But I have a 100% chance of being good since I am gd. Besides the doubt that I was converted pshhh who would ever convert ,e

I think the best part about this is that Sam is running me down for helping town, but he won’t claim for himself! It’s almost like he doesn’t have a good fake claim made up yet…

Too bad. The odds are your evil.

He doesnt, hes prosecutor or scum
Technically speaking, prosecutor is an executioner

50% BD
50% Scum