SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!


We already have two citizen claims though. Marcus softs a cit variant and Livicus hard claims :b:itizen.

And Shurian is Max

thats 3 civs now

Can we exterminate fk

No. I’m going to be proven. Your just EK wanting to get rid of a psychic.

not at the current moment.

Ur psychic now? Lul

I kinda want to lynch poisoned so Im the only Maya Fey left :wink:

It’s basically a psychic from tos

“Night to prove myself” is not a valid defense tho

Too bad.

It is now.

Be careful around those citizen claims. My citizen role was rerolled so its possible that they aren’t citizens.

If we let fk live to prove themselves an obs should follow them just in case

There is definitely a :b:itizen, although they have awful draw :b:acks or trolly parts to them


or someone could investigate fk to see if he is scum. FK cannot be framed since if he tells the truth he used his ability to make investigators immune to frames

I mean sure why not? I’m basically waiting for my results to be helpful.

Out of the 3, Marcus would be the most sus. Shurian and Liv both have post drawbacks

:b:ut the thing about :b:itizens are that they have some attribute attached to them usually