SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

D obviously

Do Not do :b:lan D

I like plan B.

I would personally like Plan D but, Plan B is what will most likely happen.

A game with :b:astard mechanics will never be solved by :b:assclaiming

We are not doing D at all. Im still considering the risks of C. A or B is our choice here for night time.

stares at Camelot

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Plan :b: is my favorite but I suggest we still pressure one of the :b:layers claiming Neut for today’s lynch

Town basically solved Camelot despite my heavy scum bias.

I’m talking :b:out the recent Efol Celeste

Plan c is the way


I didn’t play in the EFoL

Would you like to :b: lynched today?

No u

I just considered that Meme is most likely neutral or scum, and im leaning to neut

Meme is acting like a EK for not giving me a chance. DESPITE claiming a powerful invest role.


Why are you speaking this way Livic :b:tw? (are a class who has to say :b:?)

search up :b:itizen in the classes thread

…did you pick plan b just because of your post restriction? :thinking: