SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

The one suggested earlier XD

Uh funny you mention it. It makes people bypass occupy immunity


great… So plan B then

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In short, you are CSing Captain, correct?

You said you could keep my from being converted right? @Memesky debt tech.

Going into the webs to find scum

Yes i am

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Yes, and as far as I know I cant be prevented from doing that

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May I just say this looks like solic is trying to make ici look bad when I flip town?l
Like he’s trying to say its all ICI fault instead of his if I flip town.

I could snap my finger and delete half the posts

@MaximusPrime you get class with post restriction? correct?

if i was a mod

I think he does.

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So if no one disagrees with the plan we should focus on someone else. I suggest we either:

  • Hang a neut OR
  • pressure one of the innactives

celeste is safe lynch :man_shrugging:

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inb4 1000 iq fool

I mean I don’t mind lynching a neutral even though i’m noots in. But I’ll rather use our two trials before we vote celeste.

/Vote @Sam17z please try to be more active.

lynching a neutral is the safest bet. Best case scenario they are scum and worst case scenario they are alch and we dont trigger the fool passive (unless they are fool)

I would rather use our other two trials first tho.

i get too much scorned vibe from squid that i doubt she is scorned