SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Thanks that limits it down to oh idk, 50 CLASSES???


Is that true?


True but you have something wrong in your post.What I mean by Ici confirmed me that Tol has at least one confirmed healer.And I am saying I am neut in every post bcs this is my first time and I don’t want to die n1

Do you help game end faster ? If that is the case I can help you

1 Like

/unvote Kitten i wil die anyway so

So lemme defend myself again.If firekitten is the person he claims he is he would be attacked by evils right since it will bypass his death immunity too.And he is important so since his death immunity cannot stop attacks he need heals or a guard right ? So if you guys don’t cs me and lemme heal kitten,he would be not dead bcs i will heal him and nk cannot heal anyone.

Boss - 1
Shurian - 2
Damafaud - 3
Nuclear - 4
Margaret - 5
Firekitten - 6
Munstrish - 7
Simon - 8

@Munstritch Los Vegas uses the counting :^)


@boss110 I claim Los Vegas and need numbeeeeeeeeeers.

Not really, being a new player means that they are more likely to scumslip than Sam. If either of them are scum, that is.

If i ever end up visiting simon that is if im alive just kill me -_- i can not do his passive


You already gave 1, but thanks.

Wait just to avoid the whole suspicion on fire ill be using a death note one that i doubt fire would have

@techwolves say 9

Uh ok 9 ?

Someone give 10!

So you would still cs me right ?

i think tech will CS squid according to our plan? or sarun will vig squid instead

I think someone was going to kill squid thats why someone said cs captian