SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

You got a claim list up there somewhere I can quote?

  1. Frost is Dreaming God
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Haikus are stupid
I fucking hate them so much
After Camelot

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not another fucking poet I hope

Update claim list
Margaret-true neut
Frostwolf103-dreaming god
Livicus-:b: Cit
Shurian-rude class
Squid-prob fool
marcus-soft useless class
me-dayvig? i don’t know

Oh yeah Simon is Poet dont visit him unless you want to post in haiku/rhyme for the rest of the game

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At least some are self-explained and I am not exaggerating about one flavour that instantly end the game.

Max is either poss, prince, Reroll slot, Peot, Fake claim

But if it’s night 16 then I have no choice.

Read sentence below
Please don’t make me talk too much
Read sentence above

@Simon please make a post restriction where you have to post 20 times a day or be modkilled :smirk:

Seven syllable sentence
Five syllables here


So yes, you better kill scum or uninformed majority while you are at it, Armageddon will arrive at Night 16…or sooner.

so max is some random class that we don’t know except that he must talk in haiku

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I am claiming a class that FK made btw, if that will help the claim list.

(anyway I am really sleepy because I didn’t get enough sleep so good night)

What number is reroll slot?

He’s probably the poet or something like that


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And since I already won the game - I have no use for it.

not really, he could be all class that is possible for all we know, the exception is he must talk in haiku