SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

if you are really the class you say… why would you use that ability d1?

Well seeing as this happening lets hope king doesnt waste a guard

Short Answer:I read it wrong

Long Answer:Find out after the game

I will be using multi tasker when/if my class gets accepted so I can defend FK from litten hunters and change Celeste’s win con


The long answer is funny I promise

Ok so plan has changed: If we have any roleblocking or redirecting targets please be on captain tonight. Also, if we have an observer they should follow captain to see that tech is the one that visits them. Everyone agrees with this plan?

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If your class hasn’t been accepted yet make it converison immune.

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Yeah good idea

proceeds to quick edit as quick as possible.


Okay evils I lined up a perfect converison on me for you

Accused Voters Count
Margaret PoisonedSquid, Hippolytus 2/17
Firekitten Captain, Memesky :crown:, Solic, Margaret 5/17
Icibalus Damafaud 1/17
Nao Firekitten 1/17
Captain Livicus, Sarun 2/17
Memesky Pug 1/17
Sam17z PsychoNeirik, Frostwolf103 2/17
Marcus_Doodalee Sam17z 1/17
Nerbins htm 1/17

/vote Captain

Once again, there are two Hippolytus…

This time it was marl’s fault :^)

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2 wagons 1 Hippo.

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Is one of his alts in the game? :thinking:

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Why does pug want someone to shoot nerbins. @Pug why is that :thinking:

Boi, nerbins isnt in this game.

/vote Nerb

@Blizer not my fault

i thought we should be using the day to actively find scum