SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Tbh, if Captain is dead, means that I can replace him as the best nep nep

So we lynching neut :frowning:


You only need me


Btw thats a hint to my next pfp

I will vote captain
If more prot can be secured
For me tonight, soon

Your claim is your protection here Simon. Also I think you can talk normally if you’re voting, double check your class card tho

No1 would want to convert someone who has to speak in haiku

And killers would feel bad for you and either torture you by not killing you or killing you and putting you out of your misery. Both are equally fine.

Can I just prewarn everyone.

I have to go to Thailand on Sunday/Monday.

No I cannot die
You do not know the power
Of post restrictions

I fucking lost my sanity after reading 200 messages and cant be fucking bothered to fucking read

If necessary
I will spell it out for you
How I can win this

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But then people would
Make it as such so that you
Won’t be able to

Win as Blue Dragon
A headache to be sure, loft
ahead of the rest

Haikus? Pfft hahaha fuck that shit

I say we should push for :b:aptain so that we can use Day 1 efficiently

Hence why I am securing
Protection from converting

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Yeah. I suppose so.
Why am I swearing all the time again? Oh yeah Im actually afraid of Marlio’s booping powers

I’m just going to point out that voting Captain, while sorta a correct play for BD, is a bit of a LAMIST play as it’s impossible to disagree with. We need Captain to survive the day so that they can be killed tonight to confirm Firekitten (sort of). Tbh it makes me feel like Marcus could be scum here, considering the points others have made about him asking questions with obvious answers to appear pro-townie.

/vote Marcus

for now.

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:b:ooping powers?

Its also known as fuck you over in the ass powers

Yes. the almighty modkill of the fuckerinoes

gotta admit this is so amusing that I kinda don’t want the nice polite Shurian back


I was originally pushing on Captain since yesterday, :b:ut the way you put it like that makes more sense to rather

/vote :b:emesky

as he’s a self claimed Neutral King, and I would rather prefer a Good King and so that we can use up a good D1