SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Just ping me when needed


@eevee can you pressure Litten too?

I caught up with what went down last night. Im sorry FK, but this automatically ensures your death today. Also one more thing, @Boss110 Can you dayvig either captain or squid. Both are still alive and i would rather have squid over captain dead, simply because hes alch and squid is potential fool
/Vote Firekitten

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Well I am not here to harm.I am just waiting for your bleeds or poisons to confirm myself.

Did you bomb last night, just wondering.

I didn’t bomb simon promised to make me live so I was going to heal him but couldn’t heal him prob I was occupied or something

Alright, thank your for telling us this info. I want Boss to dayvig Squid today. If he does not, then makes Boss prime scum for lying to us about this.


Foremost, we need to pressure Litten as well as the several other inactives who haven’t said anything in the past 3000 posts or so

@NuclearBurrito @light_ethos @Whammerist

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And I’m getting a scum lean on Munstrish and Cheesy both as what little they’ve said haven’t really contributed to anything

Captain is a better psuedo BD than both of them

Full on agree. FK is top scum atm unless he brings out “invest results” that look believable. I would like to hear more from Burrito aswell, as he has been very quiet so far and i find that quite weird.

Doesn’t fool have Hide? No idea what happened. I feel terrible for htm now. because I didn’t want him to lose with me and I wouldn’t of done it if I couldn’t be confirmed

But the results are in. Boss Celeste and Sarun.

Hide would not have mattered because of your day ability.

Hide prevents all visits.

Well, then we ignore squid completely.

I want Boss to dayvig squid. If he doesnt, hes scum.

Yes but I feel so bad. Your hanging me when htm is my merc. I actually feel terrible now.

HTM was mastermind…

Wait Wut.

look at his card.