SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Frost can you use some game swinging ability tonight please

Great power have great responsibility…and great consequences.

there is no good or evil in my power.

I know that if Blizer is telling the truth, you’re still good, and I’m willing to believe Blizer for now as I have a townlean on him

you said that last time

Same the other way around tbh.

If you was converted it would be n2/n3 meaning that you would still be eevee and hence not stepping up.

I know but still holds the candle.


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The only question is who is more important to be “protected” from conversion and I believe it would be me. Sorry liv.

true, is your ability useful? I just have no abilities at all but my benefit is that I can’t be Unseen

I see, but if you end up being scum at the end, I’ll give you and Blizer a well played, and there’s another way to protect us both, kill Eevee today or tomorrow before the next convert goes off. And it’s not just the Eevees. the NKs and Unseen are all outnumbered against the Eevees at this point, so I assume that theyxd be willing to negotiate

If ALL the converts were succesful we would be something along 3 eevees, 2 unseen, 2 nks + other neutrals.

Rip bd, lol.

four eevees actually

so that means now we need to start playing like an NK faction

even D3 is proven to be beneficial for both sides if it wasn’t for the king doing stupid but still clever move by avoiding a bigger catastrophe

I don’t think eeveelutions are capable of doing day bastard abilities.

I think I know one.

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then I think you should use it, after tonight, we most likely will lose majority

2-1+2 = 3

If you read classcard thread, it’s formated in a way to prevent more then 2 starting eevees.

And that’s also consdiering they succeded ALL the converts.

I thought Unseen was too but Marl pulled a fastball on us and told us scum factions started with 3

It’s in rules of rolling this faction tho.

It would be very imba if there was more eevees to begin with.