SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

But now Frost can swing the game in our favor

You know Meme have actually did the thing that didn’t jeopardize the uninformed majority if we had tried to lynch confirmed scum and end up getting lynched themselves.

Can we vote now

Oh wait who’s king now

It’s going to take less than 10 hours to finish king business but yes, we can vote who gets the king.

Who have been nominated can be voted anyway

Tbh, if we wanted to hang one faction, we could possibly eliminate the other + some NKs.

Scum likes to jump on every wagon wich is not theirs.

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@Marluxion Tyrant Prince would not be seen by an observer?

But noooo, Meme have to do the stupid thing that could have eliminated scum faction.

At the same time, avoiding BD voters getting lynched too.

Terrible King we had, but not deserved.

so it’s Livicus, Eeevee and Margaret (A.K.A Celeste?)

Correct, tyrant prince does not visit

Celeste was apparently checked as Unseen.

that’s why we have to weaken the Eevees so that BD can become the majority again in a game filled with a whole bunch of factions

Prince doesn’t visit night at all, hence the day ability called imprisoning. You get the idea.

Chances are small but Livicus isn’t converted today and he receive my blessings as one of my followers.

Frost are you starting a cult

No I don’t need cult fanaticism.

But if you need my vote so badly…

After all, I am the one who confirmed Livicus.

Not that

I was thinking about that unknown bastard mechanism that got triggered yesterday (or two days ago idk)

What if

Third faction

The reverse lynch was bastard mechanic. LOL.

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