SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Odds of Livi being converted are extremely low.

It’s three

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Your logic is flawed. By your logic means that livicus, you, and me, and everyone in the game could be an Eevee

Can we vote the nominates? Thanks.

Look, Livi was confirmed d2, I was confirmed n2.

Aka earliest conversion time is n2/n3,
Aka we would be eevee at this point, but we step up, wich means that faction would lose converter if that was real.

Unseen is other problem tho, since assassin can step up without any problems tbh, tho it’s still about randomized convert.

Never said that, BD are certainly in peril right now and the inactivity kills shows that scum that we speak with occasionally

If we knew who NK was what would be the best course of action in this stage of the game

  • Keep NK alive to kill Scum faction
  • Murder NK right now before they kill anymore BD

0 voters

How were you confirmed N2?

Cop check?

These three step up for the throne.

You may now vote who will be your new king.

By whom?

Sam… read the game… please…

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It is a simple question who confirmed you?

/Livicus will spread word of the Dream God in his name, my follower of faith.


How did you not even notice that yet?

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Interesting. Tbh how Eevee is reacting. Like he wants town to know that he is “Confirmed” I think that he was probs converted last night

Then I would step up as converter, lel.

/vote livicus

the only person up there that I trust more than anyone else

U not really because you would be converted to the Unseen. And your motivation to find the Eevee’s makes sense because you are truly disregarding the fact of an unseen. So you were unseen convert last night. Imo
