SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

pretty much weak hunter bear

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Okay, so smite is like hunter Bear, and test faith can only kill if its cult.

I still believe that Dama observed the NK last night or an eeveelution now because of that.

max can’t visit anyone last night, discuss

Test faith

ok i am dumb i thought he use smite last night, someone shoot celeste for me already so i can sleep peacefully

ive said it 5 times, Munstrich is killing marg tonight.

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i really wish someone here have dayvig

Munstrich has a bleed ability.

but it don’t instant kill


Night 2?

Eevee didn’t visit anyone

Did anybody visit eevee?

we already knew that

Alright since im dying anyways no matter what it does it seems, might as well give my log


That’s all .-.

I also got the result that eevee is Blue Dragon, but that random thing by Dream God makes everyone BD in faction check so

Hey Dama u evilll

I think we should hang someone out of Sam/Eevee/Blizer/Margaret. They either appear in Fk’s confirmed scum list or are investigative/investigated pairs that will allow us to confirm multiple people. We should really think today through though, since if we lynch a BD, the fool’s passive may just lose it completely for us. Sarun and Munstrish both claim BD killers if I read it correctly, but that will probably not be enough with this much scum alive.

We have 100% a tyrant prince, another NK, likely 3 eeveelutions and possibly 1 or 2 unseens left, so we are almost tying with minorities, so every BD killer should kill away, because they are very likely to hit scum anyways. Does the BD king function the same here as in ToL, as in he can guard and doublevote people?

Double vote is my passive and I’m not guarding, I’m using debt on Eevee