SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Does that mean Dama was lying about his N2 results?

@Damafaud we want your exact results of N2

Dama didn’t say anything about who visited Eevee, so not completely

honestly most of solic post is him trying to act town, but we all need that towncred don’t you agree?

I believe that solic is probs starting eeveelution. Hes been incredibly quiet and has not talked much in general.

insert spam litten here, what i am saying is his post give me scum vibe


Did you know

That last night

I used an ability

And I didn’t kill whoever it was that I visited last night


Yes i know. You hit the NK last night.

some sort of class that need us to count 1-20


So you’re saying

That I’m an NK

That attacked an NK?

No. i believe you are paly

why are you typing like that :thinking:

Remember, the other NK is the tyrant prince, who`s visits are hidden from people. Therefore you smited last night and since it was randomized, you wound up hitting the NK, who Dama observed, and that NK killed Squid, because it was a randomized visit.

Thats if Dama is telling the truth and not lying.


I can

Got a problem?

I don’t think

That’s how smite works

This is my first time as fol pally

So I’ll have to ask marl

How it works

Oh okay.

yes, you sudden change way of typing is kinda weird and worth talking about

Wait i fucked up. Smite does not work like that.