SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

hahaha convincing people by only saying “I’m BD sheep me”
Nah it’s just your stupidity for sure

I might pull a whamm after my games end

At least I have affected everything what I touch and speak here.

Maybe…it’s all a dream?


You are not assasin btw, it’s impossible

Does it really matter? He’s getting exed.

If he flips Eevee then great, NK may be mercy on Blizer’s target.

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I :clap: won’t :clap: flip :clap: eevee :clap:

Also lul Stupid17z says I can’t flip assassin but wait till he sees

What a petty individual you are. Always so toxic when you gets lynched

Fate Voters Count
Execute Sarun, Solic, Sam17z, Frostwolf103, Blizer 5/5
Pardon 0/5

That’s hammer. (Also, I may just be a votebot but y’alls should chill out on the twilight posting lol)

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MaximusPrime was… The Assassin.


Night will end as soon as all actions are in so send em

A dreaming boi has invoked the arrogance incantation. Once a vote is cast tommorow, it cannot be removed. When a player reaches majority, the trial will be skipped and they will be executed. (Unless the king decide fates.)


Solic dies, he was


Eeeveelutions support
Too many eeveelutions - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Leaf Blade (night) - Cut the player, killing them. Disables visit preventions on that person.
Synthesis (night) - Target a fellow eeveelution. They will be seen as random BD to all investigatives.
Wish (day) - Start a wish granting session. You cannot grant a wish froma fellow eeveelution. - 2 uses

Livicus dies, he was

The Good King :crossed_swords: :shield:

Blue Dragon Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King. If you are executed for treason all players will lose their Royal Blood passive permanently.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Debt (Night) - The target player receives a guard that will protect them from the first conversion attempt against them. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Convert Immune

anyone may step up to be king, you have 12 hours to do so if you wish to

Oh no, isn’t blizer suppose to die?

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Livicus’ logs

Looks like we got the scum that wishes for Poor Fellow.

Looks like we got possibly two unseen and eeveelutions as well the NK and myself.

However do remind yourself that I can’t be NK or you lose my vote.

/nominate for king

Since no one wants it, I will

I will become Morpheus