SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Fuck you and your logic
/vote poisonedsquid

maybe? :thinking:

You wont live long as an outted hero

Its not if shes scum or not, but with how incredibly aggressive you are about. It looks like you are trying to get yourself lynched

If your scorned I advise for you to not say anything unvote and for everyone to forget you are there.

Just shoot Celeste already! You’re letting her influence spread like Marl’s plague!

/vote Poison

Esp not to endgame where it helps a lot

stop, when did i just claim hero?

I just got ripped off.

I dont think this is a good idea. I honestly have a read she is fool

Hero is only bd dayvig 1 use class. Its better if i out you so you live longer

@techwolves CS squid tonight. May your sword slice through steel.

I got ripped off so you i’m hoping for the best

Ya better get your votes off me cause let me tell ya right now, I’m not flipping scum

Urgh… the words I just typed… I dont even wanna put it out…
Sooo tosix… 3:

Somebody help free me from this bloody fucking swear posting.

if you are really scorned claim NOW serious what did i just say in my early post??

Blitzer has a point. Squid is either neut or a poorly played town by my read now. At this rate she’s pushing too hard for an obviously failed lynch, I’d say we should vig her rather than lynch.

Vote me for king king so i get OE

Why would Scorned give up so easily? Cause I’m not Scorned :eyes:

Let tech CS her. May his sword slice through steel :wink: