SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Hey everyone, if you have a restriction that means you can’t post, like this :smiley:


this is weird, i can’t unvote shurian

thank marl, so my vote didn’t got redirect then i guess?

So have fun searching the class thread.

@Margaret you hear that? Faking dayvig? No wonder you can’t take the hint and break rules.


Nailed it. Yes I am the dreaming god.

Damn you and your free wins.

Hmm? Oh yes, didn’t even need Infinity Stones.

Out of interest, have you been given your abilities?



Thanks Forum, I’ll take that on board


Do you have request to make the game interesting?

Er, if you could post all the flavors you received so we can try and figure out what they do that’d be nice.

You must be wondering yourself after all

Also, Orange liked my post about no posting restrictions

is there any class that need to OMGUS people?

actually there is, let’s me check more

Hey im not inactive, just dont have much to say

you last post was 3 day ago :man_facepalming:

Yeah yesterday I couldnt be on much, so did I miss A claim yesterday?