SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Well, if Max is Paladin and Dama is observer, guess what Eevee is?
/vote Eevee

Boss-max cit
Frost-dream god
Blizer-faction cop
Eevee-bootibooty? (forget class name)
Psycho-court magician
Shurian-rude cit
Livicus-likely BD king

Alright to you, who has the most scummiest claim

celeste of course

aside from marg , cause we know she is scum at this point.

Sam, Psycho, Max,

i think sam is either NK or eeveelution trying to get towncred by say celeste is scum tbh

Agreed on that front, but Dama proves max otherwise.

I full on agree with that. I believe he was the n1 eeveelution convert.

But Eevee is tyrant prince.

you were so confident with Boss being the tyrant earlier

I was confident in that, but the more i thought about Damas results and Maxs claims, it makes much more sense.

and I am near confident that any player showing lack of town motivation at this stage of the game is probably scum

we haven’t see psycho journal btw, i think it’s better if we wait for psycho, solic to come here first

Remember, Dama didnt see Eevee visit anyone N2. Tyrant prince has their visits hidden, so it makes eevee look even more like the tyrant prince. Plus i cant faction check neutral, they would come up BD.

Dama checked Eevee N2?

Yea, he observed Eevee N2 and didnt see him visit anyone.

he say this to eevee

but Dama would’ve also seen whoever visited Eevee I assume? didn’t Blizer also check Eevee N2

Yea i did…