SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!


@MtheJoker @Icibalus @light_ethos @Insanity @Livicus you may join if you wish, game now has unlimited slots

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wait you want to spectate instead of play now?


to make it fancy

He knows that this is going to be incredibly chaotic, and probably incredibly likely so many people are gonna die N1

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It would be incredibly interesting to spectate

but more fun to play

Wait. Let’s make another protective class.


yes but i think he may have also been meme-ing since i had just complained about the number of spectators :thinking:

@Hippolytus clarify yourself pls

was that a serious spectate or a joke?

Very true XD

Honestly i think the best thing about this is that no one will mass claim

Why not both?

Hippo I solved your problem. Join and you won’t die if it rolls

Oh no. If hippo is the don’t die hippo.
R I p b a l a n c e

what balance


I cant wait for like 4 convertions and 5 kills in one night.