SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Two of those converts will die for sure

@Marluxion I feel lied to

my first sfol
crazy time




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Let’s deal with reading 500 posts just to know the Possible classes used

“3 kills? That could be the sorc + wizard or the Druid 2000 or…”

I’m not sure it’s going to be that sort of game…


I’ll still spectate, I’m MIA for a good while and probably delirious once off of the plane due to time zone differences

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I’ll join then!



I am going to spectate tbf since it’s going to be fun to spectate I think

JOIN :rage:

spectate is more fun tho

Dont worry fire, I added a class that makes spectators play technically


More fun :sunglasses:

@Marluxion Are you able to hide threads for a specific person? Like make it public to everyone except Firekitten :wink:


no quick edit btw

*peeks in
Jeez what a squad. I can’t wait when someone will roll Neutral Citizen. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Twi fav person

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Prob not besides I have a genius way to actually get back to this thread.

I keep this page open

Plus I can always just click on the notification htm gave me when he replied to me so :smiley: