SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

No I don’t… I think scum won’t attack me tonight due to me being a top mislynch target but I do think I might get occupied/redirected tonight.

You do know that I read in a very odd way rite?

?right to left from read you do


No, I have no idea how you read.

i legitimately cannot find what Blizer has softed

unless he doesn’t know what softing is


Iso his posts again, you may find this useful.

Oh wait, wrong one


@MaximusPrime check this one m8

/vote htm


Btw protectives I suggest to not protect me tonight since I feel like I am a useless class and I am pretty sure I won’t get attacked since I am a big mislynch target so protect someone else they could be more important than me

Hey Protectives! Protect me! I’m not important at all but im celeste and everyone hates me :wink:

i don’t really understand what you’re trying to show but ok

also lul neutral paladin king

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At leastvit’s not Neutral Paladin King again. You know that almost destroyed Adiart faction to Adiart Cult Leader that converts Blue Draagon classes into useless cult ones where the only benefit is communication and allow double agents to eavesdrop.

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Imagine Dimwir Inquisitor King :wink:

While I am also aware of Celeste’s playstyle however I need more convincing.

Okay okay okay.
Htm is fucking wrong, I just read what shit he did while walking my dog and that was a very desperate "callout’ on Max

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/vote htm

I dare someone to convince me otherwise

The reasoning is off. Like he just uses anything to land suspicion on somebody else

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He’s probably non adiart aligned neutral/demwir so

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Htm isnt adiart and that is what matters

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Sounds like a standard definition of RVS.

Based on what you have said HTM, I’m reasonably certain hanging you is not a good idea at this stage of the game. Although I will most likely want you to claim tomorrow.