SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

You should care about who htm found as evil/good as that helps town.

Iā€™m a member of the unseen first and foremost
so heck you m8ty

So am I. Do I care?

You could of really helped Town marl

What do the unseen use to tell the time in the dark?

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A nightwatch.


HTM is either Neutral or scum
heā€™s never adiart
so heā€™s getting hung

but Marcus lied to me so he has to die first

Thatā€™s the the point. You could of got results to help town.

but i dont want htm to live

anyone who claims a survivor role d1 deserves to die

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Does he need to live for you to get that result?

no, but itā€™d confirm him
which i do not want to do
i chose to confirm marcus instead
and marcus was lying
so ggez scum caught

btw u shouldnā€™t have said anything if ur legit cuz I imagine Marcus was gonna confirm himself via a scum buddy so weā€™d have caught 2 scum

I didnā€™t

Hmmm, well someoneā€™s made a hiccup somewhere, I suppose it wonā€™t make a difference if I said who I tried to convert?

if ur town thereā€™s no reason not to say

What if Iā€™m not town?

It was Damafaud who I tried to visit so I think the following happened:
PKR stood guard on me, however this would make either Marl a liar or he didnā€™t get any feedback due to prevention.
It would also mean Dama is lying about his drunk claim, because he wasnā€™t converted nor added to my chat.

I donā€™t see why heā€™d lie about being drunk tho, u would convert a neutral or Demwir drunk too

Also @orangeandblack5 @eevee is there still a chill in the air and if so how many?


Yes well, the amount of opportunities I have for conversion are shrinking.