SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

No I didn’t WIFOM bind the prince

Revive Marl.

Also Make marcus death immune.

We are at code RED. this is not a drill… I repeat…We are at CODE RED THIS IS NOT A DRILL.

Basically we need marl alive to kill a cultist, and we need to lynch a cultist now. Vote soul everyone.

@Solic should heal htm.
Sarun should iceward solic.
Luxy should guard someone.

or just wifom do those things in whatever order.

I can WoW if I am not HHed

You will be get hh’ed my dude.Your posts seems to make a last convert before you die.

Wait is Sam the ritualist?

We have ritualist as starting cult confirmed

Btw if we lynch Shurian,can’t we revive him back ?

Wait this is actually a genius plan

But he will be cult tho

Wait it is? Won’t he be invoker?

Wait question. Basically now shurian can’t win with BD even if he dies right?

I mean idk :thinking:

Maybe not i just thought it would be possible

He technically got converted, so I don’t think so.

Ahh nvm then

Reviving the paladin as cult would of been the god play

He is ressed as cult. Prince Shurian is well and truly dead


??? - Sam - ??? - Shuri


Gamer - ??? - Soul