SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies



As long as everyone promises to not insult each other.

Sarun I know you want more discussion but being honest I’d prefer night phase right now


There is no d1 lynch be it was all a Sam17z bait

You and squid.

You - Top scammer.

Squid - No we don’t need la night time so shh. But they do get a kiss for trying

The thing is, everyone knew that and you kept trying to pressure people with that :thinking:

I said that cause everything’s getting out of hand

I was unvoting for night. But tbh what did you want to achieve with it.

it would probably be to get reactions out of Luxy

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Well now scum readers can gauge their read on luxy

Can we please stop insulting each other?

@Luxy you didn’t mean it either right?

but this time it went horribly wrong

I mean we already agreed that luxy is likely scum.

All Hail our king.

Then we find scums.ss.s

I made it a little bit more definite

/unvote for now If anyone of you insult each other one more time, we go to night cause we do not have day to argue who is stupid or not

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Honestly I think the replacing out thing was more because sam was insulting them then it had to do with their class. I think it meant they were tired of being insulted. I wouldn’t count that as anything to do with alignment tbh

I’ve had enough of that shit in Ghost Town

Like pkr felt insulted when he replaced out?

You didn’t do anything.

We already had a decent amount of info on Luxy from his reaction with HTM’s conversation and his reads on Captain.

You just started a shit ton of drama for no reason.