SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Stop with the self-deprecation and Ate please. It’s really annoying to play against.

Solic I think he is Town. The fact that he reminds me of gamer in fates is reinforcing that. The fact that they want to help.

Alrite then.

/vote Max

It’s a game, there is no need to make everything so personal.

Why do you find Max scummier than Squid?

I don’t like these reads

They seem kind of low effort.

But I’d say it’s because hes new

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Hey, I’m called scum in literally every single game and I’m almost always Town. I’m too fucking used to it by now… it seems I haven’t gotten better

You can also focus on what misplays you made and try to improve on that, so yeah.

I can try, but I’m afraid nobody will listen to me cause I keep making the same mistakes over and over like a broken fucking record

/vote Merc

ehh the reads are just strange.

Leading town doesn’t = town

And pretty much just accusing Maxi and Squid for 1 reason

Sorry mate but this seems like obvius slip.I need to do it now.
/vote Squid

I think we should vote Squid after we vote other scummy people for reasonz

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Didn’t you read what I just say? I would leave the forums for good if I flipped as scum. Do you really think I would say that if I was actually scum

Alright, from what I could tell given the last 250 posts or so that I had to catch up from, Squid is suspicious but given that she claimed Priest means we’ll need a CW on her to prevent occ so that she rezzes Shurian tonight, and if that doesn’t happen, she’s guaranteed scum.

Solic and Sarun seems to have switched places, with Solic now taking the lead as the more aggressive side, but he is quite reckless and isn’t very careful

Celeste in particular though strikes me as odd, as she’s usually quite the memer when she’s a happy little townie (not to mention IC), but her lack-of-multiple claims, meaning sticking to a single Obs claim from what I could tell (unless I’m wrong) strikes me as odd when mass-claiming in Triple Threat is especially dangerous and risky, not to mention that a starting Seeker could have the same abilities as an Obs.

Poke and Mercenary are currently both null for me although they have been acting scummy. I think we can forgive Mercenary FOR NOW as he’s a rookie, but I would suggest we put more pressure on Poke as he has been in previous games and we’ll be able to tell his behavior when he talks under threat

That’s what I’m getting so far

I really want to leave this game cause I’ve fucking scumslipped as Town way too many times… Just kill me now… Show everyone I’m not lying


/vote Squid

Talent in FM isn’t static and innate, it comes from trial and error and you just need to ISO yourself after every scumgame and then you’ll start noticing how to improve your plays like that.

I can help you improve if you wish.

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Wait she claimed priest

Yeah rip Squid

/vote Squid

The thing I’m worried about Squid is that, as our only Priest claim, if we mislynch her tonight we’ll never get a chance of bringing back our Prince

I cc priest

/vote myself I want to die, just fucking kill me… I’m too useless to save anyone