SFoL 32: Siege on Xed 2 (version 3.0) - Green Kraken Victory

i’m so angry that i’m pressing
enter and intervals that it doesn’t even
make sense to press enter at


If that’s the case he should step up ASAP in 24 hours. Just saying

Don’t cha just love me

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lul i’m not mad

Love and Hate Relationship i think i seen this before.

Though I am pretty sure he did not get converted.

i figured the over exaggeration would be funny

It was :wink:

seriously tho give me back my plunder
it is my son

wait but that’s a 1 use ability

and you yolo’d it on Marl?

She knew I would roll strong town or scum
And she wanted the plunder for herself!

Can’t you just adopt a new son?

sure squid you are now my new son

dont question the semantics of that

I thought Squid is a girl.

I thought your bus was your son

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So wanna uhh gimme the plunder

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that’s why i said dont question the semantics

I am, but labels don’t change the relationship to my father