SFoL 32: Siege on Xed 2 (version 3.0) - Green Kraken Victory

Ummm, no. Cuz you could be converted. :neutral_face:

Soultion, first mates jails max and executes, and then a CW thing blocks converison on marl.

/Vote Tech

There was no reason to claim jailed.

Something fishy going onā€¦? :smirk:

I offer myself as tribute
Give me the plunder to prove that Celeste is really a plunder organizer :thinking:

Welp one of my network players just talked in the network good to know they are on

Litten I think tech is confirmed town due to claiming Bard + Jail

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Wait nvm /Unvote

They claimed Mystic v2.0. We arenā€™t hanging him today.

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Tech is pretty much Town .-.

first mate doesnā€™t have an execute

Thatā€™s why reading is important, kiddo

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I think yall need to reread organizer


First Mate in now a legit Jailkeeper.

so we lynch max
first mate JAILS ME
that way im protected from conversions and kills

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/Vote Max

I havenā€™t actually read most of the cards, if he doesnā€™t have executes then we should execute max, because they canā€™t be the same faction.

And me and marl get to chat tonight since hes being added

Actually add me and marl to the chat

Someone add a convert protecc on Tech.

Iā€™m totally not scum who wants to convince marl to do other stuff