SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

I think so. He should be at L-1 right now. Are we absolutely sure that this is today’s lynch?

the only connected voters are lightsin and gamerpoke
which might indicate that Joker and Solic are a different alignment


Connected how exactly?

Ici too*

By connected, I mean they were on both wagons

wait so is squid
i’m blind

marl’s attempting to do wagonomics and i’m pretty sure my reads are going down the drain in terms of quality rapdily
what the heck is actually happening in this game anyway? Do we REALLY know anything at all?

but who cares

Eh, when it comes to the wagon I think it’s likely due to the faction distribution here. We have 16 players alive, 2 of them are Reptilians, 1 of them’s the NK, or 2 if it’s a Siren or Twins, one’s the Queen who’s either village or a LW and the rest are either village or neutrals attempting to blend in.

How exactly are Twins or Siren connected to Marl’s forced vote?

I mean the Twins and Siren makes associative reads more unclear in terms of wagonomics. The Twins would likely not vote up their other while the Siren’s thrall would essentially do anything to prevent the Siren from being lynched.

Ah ok.

Typically in a NK game you can’t form associative reads from their votes, but here it’s somewhat different.

So am I the only one who noticed that?

As we won’t have any more time for a CFD.

/vote Joker

Again, Mages should ward Ici while Medics should prioritize him in their WIFOM.

@psychoneirik We have pardoned Solic from the trial and voted @MtheJoker with majority to start second trial.

Solic, Marcus, Squid, me (Frost), Ici, Marl, Light, Gamer, Sarun


EoD should be in less than an hour if I’m not wrong.

I’m here. It’s my birthday today so that’s the reason I haven’t been on today

Joker you absolutely have to claim
like now

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you’re on trial with less than an hour until eod