SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Which you don’t need time to register what’s happening anymore.

@Marcus_Doodalee To be fair, Solic haven’t given the chance to talk but he showed his logs after all.

We still force scum to no action meaning it’s still best to send people into me.

If htm is actually a healer he would face no problem getting redirected to me and healing me. I used Insurance so he won’t die. We lock htm as scum or healer here as I would be given the message I’m poisoned again if I was healed.

And goddamn it people. I blame MathBlade for this inaction now I got fatal fang’ed

Yes and if we execute Marl they will want to convert again, and redirecting them into you would be perfect.

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Yeah no shit.

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Unaccuse firekitten
Accuse HTM

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@Alice Did you select Marl for Evil Eye?

I still need to get him on trial.

If gamer is a healer we execute htm! Also since no eggs are getting @GamerPoke heal me please.


Then stop wasting your time and vote Marl instead, he’s going to die by Sarun anyway


Change of plans, redirect HTM to Firekitten.

If gamer is a healer we execute htm and have gamer heal me IMO.

I used Insurance so he can’t be harmed if he’s actually a healer.

W8 FK did you use insurance today?

Sarun didn’t use evil eye on Marl because we want to execute him not pardon him

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He use evil eye so he can’t live when he get pardoned.

It’d be better if we struck both HTM and Marl down in a single night tbh.

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However Baz makes a lot of sense as if they failed to hatch best not to actually let him free.

Yes, I am healer but I did not heal Ici N2

Wait who did you heal then?