SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!


Good, wolfy cant yeet marl now


why does a survivor have checks anyway

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Goes against their wincon IMO in a conversion game, unless you are planning to kill all of them quickly

I felt bad for him.

I made a comment about it to try to cheer him up because I have been there too.

No idea. I basically used it to create a PoE in order to help the game end earlier here. It’s townsided as hell for a Survivor, IMO.

Also, the Shaman was an interesting class, it’s just that it’s wincon essentially requires them to side with GD to have any realistic chance of winning.

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It should be any player to make them truly neutral (majority are GD anyway)

Great fix though

Also you would love ritual mafia, we try to kill Town. As Town


As someone who enjoys rolling scum, I wish I had his luck tbf.


Can someone please tell me what PoE stands for

Process of Elimination

Process of elimination

Process of Elimination.

You have Bob, Joe, and Sam. Joe was cleared by a Cop earlier in the game and Bob is the only doctor claim in an open setup. So this leaves Sam as the only potential player being scum and you lynch him based on it.

Wait solic is sam change that


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Oh thanks

IIRC, it was Firekitten and Marcus

They got screwed

Thats tragic tbh.

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The Diseased and the Bailiff?

I wish I used my expunge N1 now