SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

This is false frost

He is still on the stand
You count the accused for majority

So is it 8 or 9?

Sorry what was that?

Moderator error

Iā€™m just adored guys, itā€™s okay. :eyes:

I didnā€™t vote for accusation by the way.

So what the hell is that, Marluxion?

Attempt to shade me?








Pardon me and vote up Joker please.

No, heā€™s saying that Solic counts for the majority.

I did vote pardon, but not vote Solic up.

Yeah but how exactly can he vote if heā€™s the one on trial, wouldnā€™t that requires 8 votes to end with pardon or execute majority and not 9?

Iā€™m just basing off of what he said tbh

Thatā€™s what he meant

What youā€™re thinking of it as is that heā€™s trying to make you scummy

You speak for him? Thatā€™s funny and unnecessary.

Itā€™s also true though. I donā€™t get where this is coming from.



Itā€™s also not really the right time in the middle of a CFD phase.

Iā€™m just trying to clear the water to be honest.

Didnā€™t want to see a faction war rooting from a misinterpreted couple of words

How much time do we have until EOD?

Pardon me please.

Four hours at most, I reckon.