SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

If Marl was matri he would’ve hatched last night for sure imo because his auto-death passive runs out, meaning if he were to die today or tomorrow, his eggs wouldn’t be hatched.

Wait that’s true

Time to make a new theory:

Marl’s Matri. He hatched last night but it didn’t work so he said the poison thing to lessen suspicion on him and to get a successful convert.

These theories are so awful I almost want to vote up HTM for them


Either that, or he planted both possible eggs and needs to make sure one of the affected players does not get healed when he tries to hatch them

Marl is almost indubitably the count

But you said he was honourable? What’s changed?

Tbh I cant really defend myself :woman_shrugging:

Why’s that?

So… does that mean you’re gonna open wolf if you are a wolf?

Lets be honest, if i just said that statement, im either one of the many classes affected by EFoL results OR scum that cant think of a fake claim (lol)

Who said we wanted your claim as a defense?

No1 but lets be honest here, do we want another theoretical mthejoker flip

Where I claim too late and people still vote

Why not actually contribute then and give reads and ya know like try?

That would be against my religion

What’s your religion?



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But you said that you are one of the many classes affected by EFoL feedback. Ergo you’re probably not an investigative.

We CFDed because he was found to be one of the scummiest players at EoD. Wagonomics isn’t my thing, it’d be nice if someone did that.

I’ll give u towncred if you do some wagonomics Marge :wink:

RNGism is only permissible in RVS when we haven’t advanced as a society to where we do not need it.

/vote Margaret

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and when did I say I was an investigative?