SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

I hate doing that

My top traitorous picks at this moment (in descending order): Firekitten, Blitzer/Lightsin, Margaret

And before any of you monkeys ask why I left mathblade out after accusing them: evil queen is not a threat until they start interfering with the court.

Marl could be neutral killer, but we can let him die, not really someone to be voting up.

Firekitten started out the first day accusing many people but is now suspiciously silent, as if placated by something

Thatā€™s actually strangely accurate.

I am sooo clearly evil stopping all the reptiles kills clearly I HAVE to be scum

(Obvious sarcasm)

Someone tell me is Bazinga normally this bad? Or is this scum Bazinga because ā€œwaaaah Math wonā€™t tell me thingsā€

Heā€™s better then meme. Also, I still would rather vote light right now however the fact that Celeste seems like they are starting to care bothers me. It reminds me of adjective where they got the logic of killing sam first.

Well, from the previous experiences with him, heā€™s been like that whether Town or Scum

Come join me on Margaret. Itā€™s blessed by your queen.

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/Vote Celeste

@Margaret why does it seem like you are starting to care?

Honestly this reminds me of adjective where you started listening and try to pull logic out to lynch sam instead.

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Vote Count

Accused Votes Count
Lightsin Sarun 1/8
Margaret Lightsin, Solic, Mathblade, Firekitten 4/8
bazingaboy htm 1/8
Mathblade bazingaboy 1/8
Marluxion Marcus 1/8

This reminds me of an evil doer bringing destruction upon us all!

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If Margaret does why donā€™t you vote there?

Oh wait a minuteā€¦

Because, oh wise one, the most suspicious of my list has just voted another on my list. This reduces my confidence! But sure, I will play your silly little game since I was regrettably incorrect about Joker. @Margaret believes that they are precluded from being judged as incompetent or evil if they do not play earnestly, but this is not the case. They are being judged by my piercing gaze no matter what.

Unaccuse Mathblade
Accuse Margaret

Dance for me, worm.


Dont see why u pinged me so many times

Youā€™re crumbling!

Vote Count!

Accused Votes Count
Lightsin Sarun 1/8
Margaret Lightsin, Solic, Mathblade, Firekitten, bazingaboy 5/8
bazingaboy htm 1/8
Marluxion Marcus 1/8

Okay, is it just me, or is this wagon going pretty fast?