SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Allay your concerns my good friend for I am golden dragon. This is a righteous crusade against evil!

Well, itā€™s been 8 hours and Celeste is already at over half of the votes needed to be put on trial. Thereā€™s usually a slower wagon speed if scum are on the receiving end

Itā€™s actually very NAI.

There was a large theme I was in recently where I made the same mistake.

Huhā€¦ I was in a game where the wagon speed of something was an indicator for scum presence. I wonā€™t say which game though

I donā€™t see the Marg lynch is that useful. I see it more as a policy which isnā€™t bad but itā€™s not good either. Her flip barely gives us info and there are scummy people

Please point out these scummy people.

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And in that game it may have been. Applying a previous game to this one for your reads is always a very bad idea. You can always find a game that matches or disagrees with circumstance.

Htm, yes Margaret for some may be policy. For me she is not. I cannot get a read of someone who refuses to try. Since she does not wish to be read and does not wish to give reads the only conclusion I can see why she wouldnā€™t is that she is scum.

:woman_shrugging: your decision

Dont need to self justify m8

Theyā€™ve forfeited. Weā€™ve won! Truly this kingdom is a holy one.


He is literally the same as Marg except he had a little bit more interaction which gives us more info

And he has done something actually scummy

He used scummy logic to vote our Queen

And what do you call active lurking if not scummy htm?

Conflating me with Margaret is the greatest insult. Would they perhaps be your matriarch?

You mean what Margā€™s doing?

She always does this.

Is that an OMGUS or a meme :eyes:

Does it make it any less scummy if they do it often? The answer is most certainly not.

Itā€™s like if someone is always speeding on the highway. It doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t speeding.

Town of Salem? :wink:


It is generally scummy

But when Marg does this as town too then it isnā€™t scummy since she would do this as any faction

In fact Iā€™d say that she is usually more interactive as scum.