SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Redirect Marl

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Marcus_Doodalee has been pardoned. There cannot be more trials today.

Night 4 has begun and will end in 24 hours. Please submit your actions before then.


The sun rises in Castle Adiart and several bodies were found:

Lightsin was found dead, they were:

The Captain
Golden Dragon, Offensive. Converts into the Behemoth.
On Duty (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Lead (Day) - Select two players. Any targeted day abilities used on the first one will be redirected to the second one. Bypasses redirection immunity. Can target yourself. 2 uses.
Command (Night) - Select two players. Force the first player to target the second one. Can force a player to target you, but canā€™t force them to target themselves. Unlimited uses.
Self Defense (Night) - If you are attacked tonight prevent the attack and both you and your attackers will start bleeding and die in one day unless healed. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.




N1: Command Memesky into Ici

In general, i kinda did dislike how Ici interacted with Marcus on d1, and it felt like he was putting shade on him. Could be him trying to try a different strat if scum. All i say, is the entire purpose of this action is to see if Memesky does anything noticable towards Ici or not, depending on what either say.
N2: Command Margaret to Frost

I donā€™t like how Celeste is just random upping Solic(wonā€™t give reason why) and frostā€¦ heā€™s a bit more scum lean, since he thought marl was calling him scum, (though he wasnā€™t. tried stirring the pot more)
N3: Self Defense

I think the people listed in celesteā€™s will are maybe evil, though Iā€™m not sure, and I feel Iā€™m gonna get attacked today by scum. Hopefully, this will not happen, but if it does, iā€™ll end the scum with me.
N4: Marl to FK
If all goes to plan, marl should be Killed, and canā€™t hatch eggs
Also Bailiff said so

Frostwolf was found dead. They were:

The Mage
Golden Dragon, Support. Converts into the Komodo.
Ward (Day) - Select a player. They will be immune to conversion. This effect ends if you die or are converted. - 1 use.
Rewind (Night) - Select a player and copy the effects of targeted abilities used on them the previous night. Doesnā€™t copy self-targeted abilities, attacks, poison, bleeding, venom, conversion, investigative abilities and ā€œRewindā€. Cannot be used on N1. - Unlimited uses. (Doesnā€™t copy any abilities copied by ā€œRewindā€. Also, if you copy an ability affected by a day ability such as On the House empowered by Special Mead, you will only copy the base ability and not the extra effects provided by the day ability).
Example: Medic uses Cure wounds on Ivo Bardolf on N1. Innkeeper also occupies Ivo Bardolf on N1. If mage uses rewind on Ivo Bardolf on N2, Ivo Bardolf would be healed and occupied again.
Portal Trick (Night) - Select a player. Everyone that tries to visit them tonight including yourself will be immune to occupation, redirection and visit prevention. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



Frostwolf103ā€™s Magical Journal of [redacted]

N1 - Playing Portal in htmā€™s room
N2 - Playing Portal in Sarunā€™s room
N3 - Rewind Sarun
N4 - Rewind Sarun
D2 - Okay, we have about three non-killing neutrals, Siren or Count and two Reptilians excluding the queen since we donā€™t know if MathBlade is legit since I pulled the stunt.

However, I know that Solic is Accused since Marl apparently voted pardon and I donā€™t see his post containing the pardon vote.

What concerns me that Solic is siding with us or the reptilians since accused and lawyer will side with the good or evil, while the prosecutor is on the opposite. Six players siding with Reptilians without queen is troubling (4 from Reptilians and 2 non-killing neutrals) while NK is still unknown.

The Lawyer is active but Prosecutor is not unless heā€™s following what Accused is doing and Day 4 ability will hinder us unless weā€™re sure that Accused is siding with Reptilians

Itā€™s unfortunate that Joker forgot to add which records that Memesky have and weā€™re off for bad start right now considering there are now about 6 GD claims that can be trusted and Lawyer and Prosecutor should claim now to avoid getting lynched over fakeclaims.

I am certain that at least one of scums were active voter in Solicā€™s, mineā€™s and Jokerā€™s wagons just to keep that in mind.

D3 - Thereā€™s no trace of evidence about the Phoenix Wright trio classes apparently.

Margeret claims that I am unconvertible but that is fake news since i am not converted into Komodo and will not going to be converted ever. The good news is that NK is now dead and minions will too but judging from logs I say I believe her she failed her attempts.

Do the Komodo exists but I died, then that means he chooses for Hollow Eggs and Marl is definitely the Diseased and FK IS confirmed scum but if I look it that way as I mentioned before, Margeret is trying to get me executed even in death like she did in Return of Blue Dragon game when I was Marshal and he claimed Poacher with BD check when he flipped as Hunter, says that I bussed her.

Firekitten, Squid, LightSin, Bazingaboy and Marcus are one of the unclaimed and only one to two random golden dragons are free unless one of the claimed was fake.

D4 - Marluxion, HTM and MathBlade are confirmed Reptilians and we know about the non-killing neutrals Sarun and Firekitten that wonā€™t last long without Golden Dragon help andā€¦I believe my time is short here since Komodo used Fatal Fang on useless Mage but I used Ward on someone who I believe he canā€™t be converted in first wave. Get the Reptilians, stoā€“[writing stops there]

Mathblade was found dead. They were:

The Reptilian Queen
Unique Special, Reptilian.
Royal Audience (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection, and your visits are hidden to investigators. The Queen can talk with all royals at night.
Loyalty (Passive) - If the starting Good Queen is executed on trial or killed by a Royal Guard, there wonā€™t be any trials the following day.
The Royal Finger (Day) - Put someone immediately on trial. This counts towards the trial limit. 2 uses.
Heir (Day) - Add or remove a player from the royal chat. If you are starting Queen you will also give or remove royal blood from them. - 3 uses if starting Queen, 1 otherwise. Can be used D1.
Guards! (Night) - Prevent all visits to a player. Can target yourself. 3 uses if starting Queen, 2 otherwise. -
Royal Decree (Night) - Prevent a player from being accused tomorrow, and prevent any day abilities except your own from being used on them. 3 uses if starting Queen, 1 otherwise.
Goal: Defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.




Hey scum if youā€™re seeing this donā€™t despair

This game is not as PoEā€™d as town would try to make it seem.

Sarun is a Shaman leave them alone on day 6 night six they will suicide they suggested a plan that made them nigh on close to powerless so I took it. Donā€™t worry about evil eye. It is handled if you see this day five or later. Day four be sure to put up town first. Do not bus. Whoever is trialed day four is executed.

Marcus is an investigative you REALLY need to kill donā€™t waste a convert TRUST ME
Ici claimed medic could go either way as to whether or not they are converted. They were acting funny.

Their claimed checks are

Poke is either GD or a Cleric.
Icibalus is either GD or a Cleric, almost certain GD.
Frostwolf is GD or a neutral by Marcusā€™ check.
Marcus will also get another check on Squid tonight. I made a signal in the hood so I would know what the check is to see if damage control is required

Poke Ici or FrostWolf are high priority convert targets if you ever lose a scum. (I am assuming youā€™re at max)
By me merely suggesting this invalidates all of their checks.

Everyone NOT in the scum PoE below is townread by the block. If youā€™re in it yay. If not it is of extremely high priority that you nab a high priority convert good luck buds. Remember you have mislynched everyday. That is all you need to do. Just keep mislynching.

The suggested PoE Solic HTM Lightsin

I tried to signal you guys who I did what with. Not sure if you saw me trying or not. I tried so hard to reach out.

Lastly: For the Conspiracy!!!



htm was found dead. They were:

The Matriarch
Unique Special, Reptilian
Maternal Love (Passive) - The matriarch cannot be occupied while attempting to hatch her eggs. When the Matriarch dies, the oldest Reptilian will lose all their current abilities and turn into the new matriarch.
Premature Hatch(Passive)- If the matriarch dies before day 3 all her eggs will hatch automatically.
Quick Growth (Day) - Give a player 1 evolution point. 2 uses, shared.
Lay Egg (Night) - Lay an egg inside someone. They will not be notified about it. Can only have a maximum of 2 eggs at the same time. - Unlimited uses.
(Players with eggs inside will appear as Reptilians when faction checked. The egg will be destroyed if the target is healed. Laying an egg counts as an attack for abilities like Duel and Self Defense. If you lay an egg after reaching the egg limit, the oldest egg will be removed).
Hatch (Night) - Hatch all eggs and hollow eggs, turning the players into Reptilians. If a player is conversion immune they will die instead. There can only be a maximum of 2 more reptilians at a time (3 reptilians total with the matriarch), if a player would be converted while having the maximum number of reptilians, said player dies instead. - Unlimited uses. (This ability counts as a non-targeted ability, so it will bypass visit prevention and abilities that affect visiting players. If an egg is destroyed the same night you use hatch the target will not be killed/converted. Hatch will not kill death immune players)._
Goal: Defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



Repts shall rule

Repts shall be victorious!



Marcus_Doodalee was found dead. They were:

The Bailiff
Unique Golden Dragon, Investigative. Cannot be converted. Golden Dragon always start with a Bailiff
Interrogate (Day) - Select a player. You will know who they visited last night. 2 uses.
Investigate (Night) - Check if a player is a member of the Reptilians. Players with eggs or hollow eggs will appear as Reptilians. Unlimited uses.
Scale Removal (Night) - Select a player, heal any eggs or venom they might have. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



The Great Readlist of the Bailiff V2.0 - Psychoneirik please post this if I die
N1 Frostwolf NS
N2 Poke. tonight I was hearsayed by a Spy/Basilisk NS
D3 Interrogate HTM Did not visit any1 n2, me added to le Royal chat
N4 PoisonedSquid
GD Queen - Mathblade
Matriarch - HTM?
Komodo - ?
Bailiff - Marcus
Random Golden Dragon - Icibalus - ? (could be convert)
Random Golden Dragon - FK (he could be neut too tho)
Random Golden Dragon - Frostwolf103 - NS by Marcus
Spy - Memesky - Likely as RR is Komodo
Random Golden Dragon - Marl - Likely due to NF
Random Golden Dragon - PoisonedSquid - ?
Random Golden Dragon - Bazingaboy - Royal Guard
Random Golden Dragon OR Random Neutral - Solic (Elder!? get him to x2 vote)
Random Neutral - Sarun - Shaman, ask her not me. If youā€™re reading this the messenger has been shot
Random Neutral - ??
One of the RG slots is converted.
In the event we have a Mage, and I have a feeline who that could be, Ici cannot be converted until they are dealt with and Sarun, Poke, Ici, Mathblade, Memesky are the townbloc.
Everyone else, clam or get PoEd by the order of Her Majesty Queen Mathbleed. No more clam vigis.

I will be Queen.

Sorry Math, but for future notice, thereā€™s only one back-stabber on this site, me~

And Iā€™d like it to keep it this way.

What on earth happened here. So much deathā€¦ for what?! Mathblade was one of thoseā€¦ horrid creatures.

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Sarum I literally killed a lot of people.

I still have moral support in case we need it

Actually, I Evil Eyeā€™d HTM and then linked Math to Frost. Since this game is probably going to go until post day 6 the only way for me to win was to kill Math and become the Queen here.

See the death note on HTM and Math.

Who did I kill then I killed someone

I thought you would kill me. Marl canā€™t vote by the way, I didnā€™t no action. If we kill marl I believe we win?

Marl is likely the Komodo, assuming that the Reptilian all failed their converts, then weā€™ll win if we lynch Marl today.

/Vote Sarun For Queen

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Are you not royal?

Iciā€™s the only other person with Heir here, and since he is a Medic then itā€™d be far better for GD for me to become Queen as Ici can heal eggs.

If you become queen can I be heired

I agree but how many people do we need to vote for queen and how long do we have

Also I killed someone however I didnā€™t kill marl. Who did I kill?

/vote sarun (for queen)

4, unless time elapsed then the highest number wins if nobody gets it by the EoD.

Probably Lightsin.