SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

He controlled marl into me though.

Player Votes Count
Sarun Sarun, Firekitten, bazingaboy 3/4

Other players with royal blood have either 12 hours or until majority is reached before a Queen is elected.

So gamer icibalus and memesky are the last GD remaining. Memesky is inactive though. Marl can’t vote.

Err, I did vote for myself. :wink:

Someone healed Icibalus I assume, so I doubt he was converted

@GamerPoke did you heal me?

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Also how did mathblade backstab you Sarun

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Since Memesky failed to respond to the prod, a backup is needed. (If memesky responds before a backup arrives they will have their slot back). If no backup is found, the slot will be modkilled in 24 hours.

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I really thought he was GD, though. :sweat_smile:

Still, since this game will likely last past the sixth day, I kind of needed to find a way to change my wincon otherwise I’d lose.

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Well hopefully Marl is the only reptile left then. I think Squid was their target

Baz give your double vote to me so we can end this faster.

Alright please no betraysies

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If I betrayal go ahead and lynch me every game i claim neutral.

This goes against everything I believe in but I also want to finish this

An elder/basilisk has given their moral support! Sarun has been elected the new Queen

Kinda want this game to end as well tbh this is yet another game of how neutrals aren’t fun to play or play against

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At least you are 100% not converted

/Vote Marl

/Accuse Marl

@Alice it’s hammer time