SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

“Sarun has spewed Icibalus as town, regardless of Sarun’s alignment.”

Is that what you’ve concluded?

Yes. I townread Sarun as well. However even if I am wrong and Sarun is a reptile and doesn’t have info that Ici is town then Ici ever flipping convert immune Neutral would be disastrous for Sarun.

This makes me think their claim Ici town necessarily has to be true however they got it.

The reason the Meme thing is a related offshoot is because of some other conversations that have happened.

If it’s a related offshoot, I insist you give your gutreads on the slot.

blah blah prereads blah blah

My gut read is Neutral aligned with GD Self Aligned Neutral Scum aligned Neutral Town Scum in that order

Your insistence is rather useless though as I almost never do mechanical reads when angry about a situation. It causes me to have inherent biases.

@Kirefitten and @MtheJoker contributions?

There is no neutral aligned with GD that has the ability to find out you gave Ici RB today so let me clear that from his range.

This is possible. I’m sure you are aware that Secret Code is a GD ability for the spy which is a one shot instant neighbourise. The only way mechanically Memesky could know Icibalus was heir’d today is if he had an ability cloning this.

The Count could fake this, although I believe its quite detrimental for him to do that.

Again, SaNs can’t fake neighborising.

Which means therefore either Memesky is town or he started as reptilian scum.

I’m not going to repeat what I said as I have nothing else to add right now.

I’m pretty sure I know Meme’s class btw

Either a GD class or the Count

I don’t think he is a Rept

@Htm Basilisk? /s

Why don’t you think he’s a rept?

Again you asked me for reads without being able to look at the mechanics.

Then you start talking mechanics which is very destructive. If Meme does happen to be town it is best to always leave doubt so scum and the count can’t figure out what.

I can and will revise this when I have time. But it is nagl when you pressure me for a read then leak information about someone who could be town.

Furthermore it is quite possible if memory serves quite a few abilities rely on royal blood. Some also fail on those with royal blood and reptiles. Being forced to put rather than let things play out naturally is very destructive to town as a whole. I leave little hints as needed to verify but no more than absolutely necessary.

I could’ve used this disclaimer a long long time ago.

…It’s standard operating procedure. Anytime you’re an outed PR role or a significant one leaving clues is downright mandatory.

I know what I am doing. I have been a part of a lot of hood based games as town and scum. Let me do my thing. If I NEED to share something I will.

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Ngl I agree with math that if Sarun is scum ici is town, I don’t think Sarun would make that type of play.

Because the class I think he is can’t faked by a Rept I’m pretty sure

But it can be faked by a Count

Rept have a secret code-esque ability.

I’m doing what I can to figure out who today’s townblock consists of. Right now I see 4 people in it, possibly a fifth.

Wait a min hold on