SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Nvm thought I actually found something.

I wonā€™t be on until late tonight. Get back to hunting scum and imho Frost is at the top of the list.

Reptiles do neutrals do and there are a couple of town abilities that would after reading some of the role cards further. Not as in-depth as I like as it is almost midnight and D&D wrapped up late

Enough to give you a good idea of what people might soft at should they have chosen to?

htm is wolf discuss
the reason being that htm only does bullshit baits like this when heā€™s wolf, at least thereā€™s a SEMBLANCE of effrot behind the onles that he does when village, like hammer baiting with quick unvotes, for example.

still want a Solic lynch today

All your scumreads are case by case atm right? No guesses to potential Siren/Minion or Matriarch+RR?

This is correct, I prefer to keep my wolfreads case by case until later on. after a few days the wolves canā€™t avoid interacting with each other and thatā€™s when itā€™s best to start making guesses like that

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@Htm can we have your evaluations on a Squid ISO?

So hereā€™s our lynchpool for d2 in no particular order:


And possibly Joker but ATM heā€™s mislynch bait imo and likely to just claim if we push him today.

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Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
PoisonedSquid Solic 1/9
Solic Icibalus, Marcus_Doodalee 2/9
MathBlade Memesky 1/9
Firekitten bazingaboy 1/9
Frostwolf htm, Marluxion, PoisonedSquid, Sarun, Mathblade 5/9
bazingaboy Margaret 1/9

i dont think there are any wolves on frostwolf

like maybe htm
but iā€™m reading math squid and sarun all as town

i can agree that relatively speaking the Frost wagon is pure, but with trials that dosenā€™t actually mean as mucha s it normally does imo

@margaret Remove your baseless accusation of me

look at this. In a game with ITAs, Frost shot somebody ACCIDENTALLY while asking a question in a very weirdly phrased way.

He was village in this game. Frost is the ULTIMATE mislynch bait tbh

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Has anyone noticed that our Queen is very fond of eggs?

Whatā€™s wrong with bacon and eggs for breakfast?

listen, the chances of TWO world queens being lizards is next to none
PS: everybody knows that the Queen of England is a lizard, right?


Basically this in nutshell

(Edit: Found clip that last longer)

N o t h i n g. Otherwise I clearly would have gone after it immediately or starting day 2. If you are so sure that I missed something or you think something was AI, then convince me of that. The burden of proof should be on the people that said there was something.

This is a garbage lynch pool to me, since I think 3 out of those are town.