SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Welcome to SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2

This SFoL works like a normal SFoL with one twist: The Blue Dragon is replaced with:

The Golden Dragon

The main differences this faction has over the Blue Dragon are:

  • The Queen is a more “Social” version of the King.
  • The only guaranteed role the Golden Dragon has is “The Bailiff”.
  • There are no classes with royal blood, instead the starting Queen is able to give royal blood to whoever she wants.
  • All royals are able to speak to the Queen and each other at night as long as the Queen is alive.
  • Golden Dragon classes convert into their special unseen classes, and the cult classes may have different abilities than the ones converted from the BD.
  • There is no Prince or jailing of any kind in this faction.

The scum faction will be:

The Reptilians

  • Reptilians are usually slower than Cult/Unseen but are better at hiding.
  • Reptilians get more powerful the longer they stay alive.
  • Reptilians are able to chose between many different abilities depending on the situation.
  • All reptilian converts have a way to kill, although its usually limited or situational.
  • Reptilians use venom instead of bleeding/poison. Venom kills slower but disables day abilities until healed.

Also, to anyone that played the first Golden Dragon game, these are the main differences:

The main changes are:

  • Most Golden Dragon classes have been nerfed.
  • Accused, Prosecutor and Lawyer have been reworked.
  • New NKs added: The Siren and The Collector.
  • New neutrals added: The rivals, the occultist and The Identity Thief
  • Bounty Hunter has death immunity
  • The Count can frame two people each night instead of 1 and starts with 1 use of Fate decided.
  • EFoL notifications will be used.
  • Reptilians have been added, and will be the main scum faction.

Host: Psychoneirik
Cohost: @Luxy


  • Follow the Global Forum Rules
  • If you haven’t posted content in 36 hours, you’ll be prodded for inactivity. If you don’t respond to that prod in 16 hours, you will be force replaced.
  • No private messaging others in the game about the game.
  • Do not post anything on a previous night’s royal chat.
  • Do not post anything during nighttime.
  • Do not screenshot or quote private host messages
  • If you already submitted a night action and wish to change it, say it on a new message. Don’t edit your previous action, so the hosts can notice. Some actions are instant and cannot be changed once sent.
  • Don’t throw the game. This includes any form of intent to make you or your faction lose
  • Do not edit your messages. Edits are only allowed for grammar mistakes.
  • People that are not in the game cannot post in the thread or message players about the game.
  • Players are not allowed to use big letters. These are reserved for the host.
  • Remember, this is a game. Respect others and lets have fun!

Important note about Spectators:

Please understand that due to the events in previous games, spectators will not be allowed. If the game fills up, you may still sign up as a backup however.


  • Days will be 72 hours long, or shorter if someone is executed
  • Nights will be 24 hours days long
  • Actions are done by messaging me
  • You cannot target yourself with abilities unless an ability says otherwise.
  • You cannot use day abilities on day 1 unless an ability says otherwise.
  • FoL classes outside of those stated in the class cards thread will NOT appear in this game.
  • Unseen/Cult will have a private day and night chat
  • The Queen and all royals will have a private night chat. There will be a different chat for every day, and you are only allowed to talk on the most recent one.
  • When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it. Failure to do so might make you lose your spot.
  • Players are able to ask the host for flavor text or notifications to help with fake claiming.
  • To avoid angleshooting, all questions to the host will be answered privately.
  • Frame will make the target appear to have visited whoever died that night to the Bailiff’s Interrogate ability. In the case of multiple deaths, a target will be picked randomly.
  • Frame will make a player give the opposite records to a librarian.
  • Framed players appear as Killer classes, or if the class is a Killer or Offensive class, it will appear as Special.
  • Instant night abilities like Hearsay and Words of Wisdom don’t count as visiting and are unaffected by occupation, redirection or visit prevention.
  • Portal trick also makes the user immune to those effects, so they can’t be occupied, redirected or prevented while using it.
  • The maximum number of non-unique classes is 3.
  • Vote altering abilities won’t notify the affected player unless it states otherwise. The changes however will be reflected in the vote count.
  • Matriarch is not notified if one of their eggs is healed
  • Matriarch’s eggs will persist after the matriarch dies. These eggs can be hatched by the new matriarch.
  • If you lay an egg after reaching the egg limit, the oldest egg will be removed
  • Players with eggs will appear as reptilians the same night the egg is laid unless healed.


  • To accuse someone say “/vote [player]
  • To rescind your vote say “/unvote
  • Everyone will be able to keep talking when someone is on trial
  • While someone is on trial, everyone will be able to vote /pardon or /execute. Their fate will be decided once majority is reached.
  • Trials will last for a maximum of 12 hours.
  • Trials are limited to two per day.
  • Day will end immediately after someone is executed on trial or after the second trial.


  • Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed
  • If you have a killing ability, you can submit a deathnote with the kill. The deathnote can be either an image or a message. The hosts might not accept a deathnote if it breaks any rules.

To Join

  • To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want

Ability results/notifications

Only certain abilities will give night results. Most players will only be told if they die or if they are bleeding/poisoned/envenomed (they won’t be told if they are healed). Investigative abilities will know if they are unable to perform their abilities or if they are redirected (they won’t know who they are redirected to).

List of ability results

You slept peacefully.
You died.
The Queen has marked you as their Heir. You will be able to speak to the Queen or other Royals at night. You will also be able to step up before other players during new Queen elections.
The Queen has marked you as their Heir. You will be able to speak to the Queen or other Royals at night.
Your target visited [Player(s)] last night.
Your target didn’t visit anyone last night.
Your target is not suspicious.
Your target is a member of the Reptilians!
Your target is The Queen.
[Player(s)] visited your target last night.
No one visited your target last night.
You saw a suspicious figure visit your target last night.
Your target has no records.
Your target has criminal records.
Your target has medical records.
Your target has royal records.
Your target has murder records.
Your target’s class type is [class type (Killer, Support, etc.)]
You got the following message with Hearsay: [message]
Someone sent you an anonymous message: [message]
A Spy/Basilisk is looking for hearsay! You may send them a message.
You were unable to perform your action. (This message only appears to investigators or people with abilities that usually give results)
You were forced to target someone else last night. (You won’t be told who you were redirected to)
You are bleeding and will die in X days unless healed.
You are poisoned and will die in X days unless healed.
You are envenomed and will die in X days unless healed. Any day abilities used while envenomed will fail.
You are afflicted by permavenom. All your day abilities will fail until you are healed.
You are afflicted with a deadly venom and will die in 1 day. You cannot be healed.
The Lawyer has offered you a deal. If you accept all visits will be prevented tonight, but you will be forced to vote pardon on the Accused.
The Prosecutor has offered you a deal. If you refuse you will be unable to perform your night action (bypasses any kind of immunity, including “Portal Trick”.). If you accept you will be forced to vote execute on the Accused.
Your Rival is [player].

Class cards:

The Queen Class Card

The Queen
Unique Special, Unknown Alignment. Replaces the King.
Royal Audience (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection, and your visits are hidden to investigators. The Queen can talk with all royals at night.
Loyalty (Passive) - If the starting Good Queen is executed on trial or killed by a Royal Guard, there won’t be any trials the following day.
The Royal Finger (Day) - Put someone immediately on trial. This counts towards the trial limit. 2 uses.
Heir (Day) - Add or remove a player from the royal chat. If you are starting Queen you will also give or remove royal blood from them. - 3 uses if starting Queen, 1 otherwise. Can be used D1.
Guards! (Night) - Prevent all visits to a player. Can target yourself. 3 uses if starting Queen, 2 otherwise.
Royal Decree (Night) - Prevent a player from being accused tomorrow, and prevent any day abilities except your own from being used on them. 3 uses if starting Queen, 1 otherwise.
Goal: Make sure your faction wins. If you are neutral, your goal is to survive.

Note: Golden Dragon, Reptilian and Neutral Queen have the same abilities. Neutral Killers turn into the Psycho Queen. All neutrals will turn into Neutral Queen except for Neutral Killers and The Count.

The Golden Dragon
Objective: Defeat the Cult/Unseen, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Golden Dragon Class Cards

The Bailiff
Unique Golden Dragon, Investigative. Cannot be converted. Golden Dragon always start with a Bailiff
Interrogate (Day) - Select a player. You will know who they visited last night. 2 uses.
Investigate (Night) - Check if a player is a member of the Reptilians. Players with eggs or hollow eggs will appear as Reptilians. Unlimited uses.
Scale Removal (Night) - Select a player, heal any eggs or venom they might have. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Convert immune

The Captain
Golden Dragon, Offensive. Converts into the Behemoth.
On Duty (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Lead (Day) - Select two players. Any targeted day abilities used on the first one will be redirected to the second one. Bypasses redirection immunity. Can target yourself. 2 uses.
Command (Night) - Select two players. Force the first player to target the second one. Can force a player to target you, but can’t force them to target themselves. Unlimited uses.
Self Defense (Night) - If you are attacked tonight prevent the attack and both you and your attackers will start bleeding and die in one day unless healed. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Elder
Golden Dragon, Social. Converts into the Basilisk.
Moral Support (Day) - Select a player. All their votes will count as two today. 2 uses.
Elder’s advice (Day) - Today, your next vote for pardon will count as three. - 2 uses.
Scold (Night) - Prevent a player from voting tomorrow. Cannot target the Queen. They still count towards majority. Unlimited uses.
Words of Wisdom (Night) - Send an anonymous message to the whole court. It will be delivered at the beginning of the day. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Executioner
Unique, Golden Dragon, Killer. Converts into the Komodo.
Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection
Death Sentence (Day) - Select a player. Tonight, they cannot be healed and will lose any death, occupation, redirection and poison/bleeding/venom immunities they might have. 1 use.
Execute (Night) - Kill a player. Cannot be used until N3. 2 uses.
Questionable Methods (Night) - Select a player. If they are not GD they will start bleeding and die in one day unless healed. 1 use.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Gravekeeper
Golden Dragon, Investigative. Converts into The Basilisk
Silent approach (Day) - Stalk will give you extra information tonight. If a Killer, Offensive or Special Role visits your target you will get a message saying “You saw a suspicious figure visit your target last night.” 2 uses.
Stalk (Night) - Select a player. You will know who visits your target. Unlimited uses.
Exhume (Night) - Select a dead player. You will know the classes that visited them on the night of their death. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Innkeeper
Golden Dragon, Offensive. Converts into the Behemoth.
Busy man (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Special Mead (Day) - Serve a special mead instead of beer tonight. Your night abilities will bypass occupy immunity tonight. 1 use.
Special Ale (Day) - Serve a special ale instead of beer tonight. Everyone occupied by your night abilities tonight will also be occupied the following night. 1 use.
On the house! (Night) - Give a free beer to a player, occupying them tonight. Unlimited uses.
Dinner Night (Night) - Make a dinner at a player’s room. Everyone that visits them tonight except yourself will be occupied. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Librarian
Golden Dragon, Investigative. Converts into the Basilisk.
Hidden records (Day) - Tonight, your record search ability can find murder records. If your target has ever visited someone on the night of their death, whether they killed them or not, you will get the following message: “Your target has murder records.” 1 use.
Extensive research (Day) - Tonight, your record search ability will also return the target’s class type. 1 use.
Record search (Night) - Learn a player’s records. Unlimited uses.
There are three types of records: Medical records, Criminal records and Royal records. You will get one message for every type of record a player has. If a player has no records you will get the message. “Your target has no records.”
If your target has a healing ability, or if they have been affected by a healing ability before (whether it was required or not), you will get the following message: “Your target has medical records.”
If your target has an investigative ability, or if an investigative ability has been used on them you will get the following message: “Your target has criminal records”
If your target is a member of the Royal chat, or has ever been visited by a member of the Royal chat (including The Queen) you will get the following message: “Your target has royal records.”
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Mage
Golden Dragon, Support. Converts into the Komodo.
Ward (Day) - Select a player. They will be immune to conversion. This effect ends if you die or are converted. - 1 use.
Rewind (Night) - Select a player and copy the effects of targeted abilities used on them the previous night. Doesn’t copy self-targeted abilities, attacks, poison, bleeding, venom, conversion, investigative abilities and “Rewind”. Cannot be used on N1. - Unlimited uses. (Doesn’t copy any abilities copied by “Rewind”. Also, if you copy an ability affected by a day ability such as On the House empowered by Special Mead, you will only copy the base ability and not the extra effects provided by the day ability).
Example: Medic uses Cure wounds on Ivo Bardolf on N1. Innkeeper also occupies Ivo Bardolf on N1. If mage uses rewind on Ivo Bardolf on N2, Ivo Bardolf would be healed and occupied again.
Portal Trick (Night) - Select a player. Everyone that tries to visit them tonight including yourself will be immune to occupation, redirection and visit prevention. 2 uses.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Medic
Golden Dragon, Support. Converts into the Komodo.
Toxin Immunity (Passive) - Immune to poison/bleeding/venom.
Overtime (Day) - The target of tonight’s “Cure wounds” will also be healed the following night. (the extra heal doesn’t count as a visit). 1 use.
Double shift (Day) - “Cure wounds” will target two players tonight. 1 use.
Cure wounds (Night) - Heal a player from attacks, poison, bleeding, eggs or venom. Unlimited uses.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Royal Guard
Golden Dragon, Killer. Converts into the Komodo
Public Execution (Day) - Sacrifice your life to kill a player in plain daylight. Cannot be used until Day 3. Cannot target the Queen, cannot be used during a trial. - 1 use.
Duel (Night) - Duel a player tonight. If they would attack someone, the attack will be prevented and they will start bleeding and die in 1 day unless healed. - Unlimited uses.
Coup (Night) - Sacrifice your life to kill the Queen, bypassing her Guards! ability. Cannot be used until Night 3. - 1 use.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Spy
Golden Dragon, Social. Converts into the Basilisk.
Secret Code (Day) - Select a non-royal player. You and said player will be able to speak to each other on a private day and night chat for as long as you both live. - 1 use. (Cannot target Queen. This ability will fail if used on a player in the royal chat. If you or your target ever get into the royal chat, Secret Code’s chat will end. You will not get any charges back if this ability fails).
Spread Gossip (Night) - Send an anonymous message to another player. Unlimited uses.
Hearsay (Night) - Select a player. They will be able to send you a message tonight. 4 uses.
Goal: defeat the Reptilians and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Reptilian Class Cards

The Reptilians
Reptilian games start with a Matriarch and one random Reptilian. There can only be a maximum of 3 reptilians at a time

The Basilisk
Reptilian Social, Converts from Social and Investigative classes.
Camouflage (Passive) - The first time each player tries to investigate you they will be occupied.
Evolve (Passive) - You start with 2 evolution points. At the end of each night, you will gain 1 evolution point. At any point in the game you might DM the host to exchange your evolution points for abilities. (You cannot buy the same ability more than once. You can only have a maximum of 2 night and 2 day abilities, if you were going to buy a third day/night ability it would replace one of the older ones)
These are the abilities the Basilisk can buy:
1 Evolution point:

  • Lurk (Night) - Select a player. You will know who visits them and who they visit. - 3 uses.
  • Mind Reading (Night) - Select a player. They will be able to send you a message tonight. - 3 uses.
  • Hiss (Night) - Send an anonymous message to another player. - 3 uses.
  • Influence (Day) - Select a player. All their votes will count as two today. - 2 uses.
  • Muting venom (Night) - Prevent a player from voting tomorrow. They still count towards majority. Cannot target the Queen. - 3 uses.

2 Evolution points:

  • Crocodile Tears (Day) - Today, your next vote for pardon will count as three. - 2 uses.
  • Thorough Investigation (Night) - Find out a player’s records including murder records and the class type of a player. - 3 uses.
  • Reptilian Echoes (Night) - Send an anonymous message to the whole court. It will be delivered at the beginning of the day. - 2 uses.
  • Reptilian Link (Day) - Select a non-royal player. You and said player will be able to speak to each other on a private day and night chat for as long as you both live. - 1 use. (Cannot target Queen. This ability will fail if used on a player with royal blood. If you or your target ever get royal blood, the chat will end).

3 Evolution points:

  • Petrifying Gaze (Night) - Attack a player. If they die, they will turn into stone and their logs and class will be hidden. - 2 uses.
  • Crippling Screech (Night) - Attack all players affected by venom. - 1 use.
  • Venomous Skin (Night) - Select a player. Anyone that accuses them of treason tomorrow will become envenomed and die in 3 days unless healed. - 2 uses.
    Goal: Defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Behemoth
Reptilian Offensive, Converts from Offensive classes.
Hardened Shell (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Evolve (Passive) - You start with 2 evolution points. At the end of each night, you will gain 1 evolution point. At any point in the game you might DM the host to exchange your evolution points for abilities. (You cannot buy the same ability more than once. You can only have a maximum of 2 night and 2 day abilities, if you were going to buy a third day/night ability it would replace one of the older ones)
These are the abilities that Behemoth can buy:

1 Evolution point:

  • Paralyzing Venom (Night) - Occupy a player. - 3 uses.
  • Mind Control (Night) - Force a player to target another. Can force them to target you, but cannot force them to target themselves. - 2 uses.
  • Lead (Day) - Select two players. Any targeted day abilities used on the first one will be redirected to the second one. Bypasses redirection immunity. Can target yourself. - 2 uses.

2 Evolution points:

  • Constrict (Night) - Select a player. Occupy everyone that visits them except Reptilians. - 2 uses.
  • Permavenom (Day) - Apply a permanent venom to a player. Said player will be unable to use day abilities until healed. - 2 uses.
  • New Skin (Night) - Select a player. If they die tonight they will appear as a class of your choice. 2 uses.

3 Evolution points:

  • Iron Shell (Night) - All reptilians will be immune to death, occupation, redirection and visit prevention tonight. - 2 uses.
  • Tooth and nail (Night) - Occupy a player through immunity tonight and envenom them. The venom will kill them in two nights unless healed. Envenomed players are unable to use day abilities. 2 uses.
  • Premature hatch (Day) - If the matriarch lays an egg tonight, it will hatch immediately unless healed. 2 uses.
    Goal: Defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Komodo
Reptilian Killer, Converts from Support and Killer classes.
Reptilian blood (Passive) - Immune to poison, bleeding and venom.
Evolve (Passive) - You start with 2 evolution points. At the end of each night, you will gain 1 evolution point. At any point in the game you might DM the host to exchange your evolution points for abilities. (You cannot buy the same ability more than once. You can only have a maximum of 2 night and 2 day abilities, if you were going to buy a third day/night ability it would replace one of the older ones)
These are the abilities that Komodo can buy:
1 Evolution point each:

  • Delayed Pain (Night) - Select a player and copy the effects of targeted abilities used on them the previous night. Doesn’t copy attacks, conversion, poison/bleeding/venom, self-targeted abilities or investigative abilities. Has the same mechanics and restrictions as the Mage’s “Rewind”. - 3 uses.
  • Death Sentence (Day) - Select a player. They cannot be healed tonight and will lose all their immunities for the night (doesn’t remove conversion immunity). 1 use.
  • Recovery (Night) - Heal yourself or another reptilian from attacks, poison/bleeding/venom. 3 uses.

2 Evolution points each:

  • Egg Guardian (Night) - Eggs and hollow eggs cannot be destroyed tonight. - 2 uses.
  • Confusing Venom (Night) - Select two players. All players targeting one of them will be forced to target the other. Bypasses redirection immunity. Can target yourself. - 2 uses.
  • Venomous bite (Day) - Envenom a player. They will die in three days unless healed. Envenomed players cannot use day abilities until its healed. 2 uses.

3 Evolution points each:

  • Fatal Fang (Day) - The target will be afflicted with a fatal venom that will disable their day abilities and kill them in 1 day. Cannot be healed.- 1 use.
  • Noxious Fumes (Night) - Select a player. Anyone that visits them tonight will become envenomed and die in two nights unless healed. Envenomed players cannot use day abilities. Can target yourself. - 2 uses.
  • Hollow egg (Night) - Lay a hollow egg inside a player. When the matriarch uses hatch, your egg will hatch as well. Hollow eggs will always kill the player instead of converting them, and don’t count towards the Matriarch’s egg limit. This ability counts as an attack. There can only be 2 hollow eggs at the same time, shared between all Komodos. - 2 uses.

Goal: Defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Matriarch
Unique Special, Reptilian
Maternal Love (Passive) - The matriarch cannot be occupied while attempting to hatch her eggs. When the Matriarch dies, the oldest Reptilian will lose all their current abilities and turn into the new matriarch.
Premature Hatch(Passive)- If the matriarch dies before day 3 all her eggs will hatch automatically.
Quick Growth (Day) - Give a player 1 evolution point. 2 uses, shared.
Lay Egg (Night) - Lay an egg inside someone. They will not be notified about it. Can only have a maximum of 2 eggs at the same time. - Unlimited uses.
(Players with eggs inside will appear as Reptilians when faction checked. The egg will be destroyed if the target is healed. Laying an egg counts as an attack for abilities like Duel and Self Defense. If you lay an egg after reaching the egg limit, the oldest egg will be removed).
Hatch (Night) - Hatch all eggs and hollow eggs, turning the players into Reptilians. If a player is conversion immune they will die instead. There can only be a maximum of 2 more reptilians at a time (3 reptilians total with the matriarch), if a player would be converted while having the maximum number of reptilians, said player dies instead. - Unlimited uses. (This ability counts as a non-targeted ability, so it will bypass visit prevention and abilities that affect visiting players. If an egg is destroyed the same night you use hatch the target will not be killed/converted. Hatch will not kill death immune players)._
Goal: Defeat the Golden Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Neutral Class cards (Non-NK)

Neutrals (Non NK)

The Accused
Unique Neutral, Offensive. Always spawns with Lawyer and Prosecutor
Human Resources (Passive) - Immune to poison, bleeding, venom, occupation and redirection.
Missing record (Passive) - Your visits are hidden from investigators other than the Prosecutor. You are allied to a random faction (GD or The Reptilians). If you are allied to the GD and executed on trial or killed by a Royal Guard’s “Public Execution”, all the members of the Reptilians will gain one extra use of their limited use abilities. (You always appear as neutral to faction checks). If you are allied to the Reptilians and executed on trial the day will not end and there can be 1 more trial.
Suspicious activities (Night) - Occupy a player. Unlimited uses.
Sketchy reunion (Night) - Target a player, occupy all members of your rival faction attempting to visit your target. 3 uses.
Goal: Survive to see you rival faction lose.

The Bounty Hunter
Unique Neutral, Offensive
Your last job (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. You will be given a random target at the beginning of the game. If your target dies on trial or is killed by anyone else you will commit suicide the following night.

Notes: Your target can be any class from any faction except for the Bailiff, the Queen or any class with permanent death immunity. A message will appear in chat telling everyone that there is a bounty hunter trying to kill said player, and there will be a small symbol next to their name that everyone can see. (Example: “There is a bounty for John Smith’s [12] head!”)

A new life (Passive) - One day after you successfully kill your target you will collect your bounty. After you collect your bounty you will win and leave the castle along with a player of your choice (except the Queen). (Leaving the castle is the same as dying).

Intimidate (Day) - Select a player. For the next two nights, if they try to visit your target they will be prevented. You can also use this ability on your target to occupy them through immunity tonight. 3 uses.

The Perfect Chance (Night) - Attempt to kill your target. If your target is still alive after using this ability, you will commit suicide. 1 use.

This is MY job (Night) - Your target will be immune to death tonight and cannot be accused for treason tomorrow. You will also heal any poison or bleeding on them. 3 uses.

Goal: Kill your target and collect the bounty.

The Cleric
Neutral, Support.
Sanctuary (Passive) - People trying to visit you cannot be occupied or redirected, and their visit will be hidden from investigators. If they are an attacker, their attack will bypass healing.
Brotherhood (Passive) - You are immune to poison/bleeding/venom. If you would be attacked at night, redirect the attack to one of your visitors except the attacker, bypassing redirection immunity. If only the attacker visits you, you will die.
Blessing (Day) - Select a player. If they visit you tonight they will get a blessing that lasts for two days. The blessing makes the player immune to conversion, hides their visits and makes them appear not suspicious to investigators. 2 uses.
Mark of Light (Night) - Heal a player from attacks and poison/bleeding/venom. If you are attacked tonight, the attack will be redirected to said player, bypassing redirection immunity. 2 uses. (Sanctuary will apply to attacks redirected this way, meaning they will bypass healing and be healed from investigators).
Circle of Healing (Night) - Heal everyone that visits you tonight from attacks and poison/bleeding/venom. Unlimited uses.

Goal: Survive

The Diseased
Neutral, Offensive
Chronic disease (Passive) - At the beginning of each day (starting from day 2) if you are not poisoned, bleeding or envenomed you will become poisoned. You will die in 2 days unless healed.
Sympathy (Passive) Immune to death and occupation.
Insurance (Day) - Anyone that tries to heal you tonight will be immune to death, occupation and redirection. 3 uses.
Pity (Night) - Select a player. Anyone trying to visit said player will visit you instead. Bypasses redirection immunity. Unlimited uses.
Expunge (Night) - Everyone who visits you tonight will die. If at least one person dies this way you will be healed of any poison/bleeding/venom. 2 uses.

Goal: Survive.

The Good Twin
Neutral, Support. Always spawns with The Evil Twin.
Special Bond (Passive) - You and your twin have a private chat. If your twin dies, you die as well.
The Good Gene (Passive) - You are immune to occupation. You will appear as GD to investigative results.
Swap (Day) - Swap class cards with your twin for the rest of the game. 1 use. (You will become the evil twin and the evil twin will become the good Twin. All limited use abilities will keep the same number of uses). Cannot be used if either you or your twin are on trial.
Cleanup (Night) - Make your twin occupy immune and hide their visits from investigators. 3 uses.
Smart Protector (Night) - Heal your twin from any poison/bleeding/venom, and occupy anyone trying to visit him. 3 uses
Goal: You win as long as your twin achieves their goal, even if you are dead.

The Identity Thief
Neutral Special
Sneaky (Passive) - Immune to death for the first 3 nights or until you successfully steal someone’s identity, whichever happens first.
Steal Identity (Night) - Attack a player except the Queen. If the attack is successful, their class and logs will be hidden and you will steal their class, abilities and goal. Any limited abilities you steal will keep the same number of uses they had before. - Unlimited uses

Additional notes:
(You lose this ability after successfully stealing someone’s identity. You will not steal royal blood. If you kill a Reptilian you will start with the same amount of evolution points they had, you won’t know who your teammates are and won’t join them in night chat, but you do not count towards the convert limit. If you kill the Matriarch the oldest Reptilian will transform into the Matriarch and you will steal the abilities of the Reptilian that transformed instead. If you steal the identity of a Lawyer or Good Twin you will know who your teammate is but won’t join them in night chat. If you steal the identity of a Rival or Prosecutor you will know who your target is. If you steal the identity of the Accused the Prosecutor will win and Lawyer will lose and commit suicide. If you steal the identity of a Siren’s minion you will keep the goal they had before conversion instead).

Goal: Steal someone’s identity and complete their original goal.

The Lawyer
Unique Neutral, Support. Always spawns with Accused and Prosecutor
Restless (Passive) - Immune to occupation. If the accused dies you will commit suicide the next night.
Confidentiality agreement (Passive) - You know who the Accused is. You and the accused share a private chat.
Burn the evidence (Night) - Prevent everyone except the Prosecutor from visiting the Accused tonight. - 4 uses.
Bribe (Night) - Select a player and offer them a deal. If they accept, you will bribe them and prevent all visits on them tonight. Bribed players will be forced to pardon the Accused as long as you are alive (Doesn’t work on The Queen or The Lawyer. Doesn’t work on players that have already been blackmailed by the Prosecutor). - 3 uses.
Goal: Make sure the accused achieves their goal.

The Occultist
Neutral Social
Demonic Shield (Passive) - You are immune to death during the first two nights.
Public Sacrifice (Passive) - If you are put up on trial, you will explode and die, bleeding the first two players that accused you and instantly ending the day. They will die the next night unless healed.
The Mark (Day) - You will appear suspicious to investigative results tonight. - 2 uses.
Dark Thoughts (Night) - Send an anonymous message to another player. - 2 uses.
Mass Hysteria (Night) - Send an anonymous message to the whole court. It will be delivered at the start of the next day. - 1 use.
Goal: Get yourself on trial

The Prosecutor
Unique Neutral, Investigative. Always spawns with Lawyer and Accused.
Restless (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Trial Knowledge (Passive) - You know who the Accused is.
The Trial Begins (Day) - Instantly put the Accused on trial. Cannot be used until Day 4. - 1 use. Cannot be used if anyone else is on trial. This doesn’t count towards the Trial limit.
Gather Evidence (Night) - You will know who the Accused visits and which ability they used. Unlimited uses.
Blackmail (Night) - Select a player and offer them a deal. If they refuse, they will be unable to perform their night action. Blackmailed players are forced to vote execute on the Accused while you are alive. (Doesn’t work on The Queen or The Lawyer. Doesn’t work on players that have already been bribed by the lawyer) - 3 uses.
Goal: Make sure the accused dies.

The Rival
Neutral Social. Rivals always spawn in pairs.
Rivalry (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Nemesis (Passive) - You know who the other Rival is. If you achieve your goal, you will gain unlimited uses of Fake Rumors.
Evade (Day) - Become immune to death tonight. 2 uses. Can be used D1.
Fake Rumors (Night) - Send an anonymous message to another player. - 2 uses.
Frame (Night) - Frame your rival, making them look suspicious to investigative abilities. - 2 uses.
Goal: Live to see the other Rival die.

The Shaman
Unique, Neutral, Offensive.
Meditation (Passive) - Immune to death and occupation.
Pact (Passive) - You will commit suicide on Night 6. This cannot be prevented in any way.
Seance (Day) - Discover a player’s class type. - 2 uses.
The Evil Eye (Day) - Can only be used during a trial. If the person on trial is pardoned, they will commit suicide tonight. (suicide can be healed and won’t kill death immune players). - 1 use.
Soul Link (Night) - Select two players. If one of them dies tonight, the other will commit suicide. (suicide can be healed and won’t kill death immune players). - 3 uses.
Voodoo Ritual (Night) - Force a player to target another. Bypasses occupy immunity. - 3 uses.
Goal: Survive.

Neutral Killer Class Cards

Neutral Killers

The Beast Lord
Neutral, Killer.
Survival Instincts (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Lion Form (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Morph (Day) - Change your second passive to a different one. You will keep that passive until you change it again. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-day cooldown. Can be used on day 1.

Available passives:

  • Lion Form (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
  • Spider Form (Passive) - You are immune to poison/bleeding/venom. Doesn’t heal you if you change to this passive while you were already poisoned/bleeding/envenomed. You will be told if someone attempts to poison/bleed/envenom you.
  • Chameleon Form (Passive) - Your visits are hidden from investigators and you will appear as a class of your choice.
  • Owl Form (Passive) - You are unaffected by day abilities, except for poison, venom or bleeding. You will be told when someone tries to use a day ability on you, and which ability.
  • Eagle Form (Passive) - You will know who visits you every night.

Rampage (Day) - Your night ability will be instantly available tonight if its on cooldown. 1 use.
Tiger companion (Night) - Kill two players. Unlimited uses, but has a one-night cooldown.
Tame (Night) - Change your first night ability to a different one. You will keep that ability until you change it again. Unlimited uses.

Available night abilities:

  • Tiger companion (Night) - Kill two players. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Rhinoceros companion (Night) - Kill a player. Bypasses healing and death immunity. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Crocodile companion (Night) - Kill a player and anyone that visits them. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Bear companion (Night) - Kill everyone visiting you. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Snake Companion (Night) - Envenom up to two players. They will die in 2 nights unless healed. Envenomed players cannot use day abilities. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.

Goal: Defeat the main factions and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Collector
Neutral Killer
Perseverance (Passive) - Immune to death once.
Analyze (Day) - Select a player, you get a pairing of class types. Their class type will be one of the two. The pairings are Killer/Offensive, Support/Social and Special/Investigative. - Unlimited uses.
Exploit Weakness (Day) - Guess a player’s exact class. If you guess it right, they will be killed immediately. (Can’t be used on Queen). Players killed this way will also grant collect’s bonus - 2 uses.
Collect (Night) - Kill a player. - Unlimited uses.
You will get a permanent buff the first time you kill a player of a specific class type:

  • Kill an offensive role: You will become immune to occupation and redirection.
  • Kill a support role: You will become immune to poison/bleeding/venom. Perseverance now makes you immune to death permanently.
  • Kill a killer role: “Collect” now bypasses healing.
  • Kill an investigative role: Analyze now gives you 1 result and the target’s faction.
  • Kill a social role: Gain 2 extra uses of “Exploit Weakness”. When you use “Exploit weakness” you can guess two classes instead of one. If the target player is any of those classes they will die.
  • Kill a special role: When you first get this buff, choose a class. You will appear as that class to investigators. Also hides your visits from investigators.
  • Complete all other quests: “Collect” can now target two players.

Goal: Defeat the main factions and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Count
Neutral, Social. (Has neutral killer goal and can’t spawn with a neutral killer)
Tyranny (Passive) - At any point in the game, you can DM the host to publicly reveal yourself as the Count. If you do this, all your votes and accusations will count as three.
Resolve (Passive) - Immune to death and occupation at night. You will appear as GD to faction checks.
Mimic (Day) - Select any ability from a non-killing Golden Dragon class and use it. If its a night ability, it will be used tonight instead (it will not count as visiting). 4 uses.
Fate decided (Day) - Kill a player in plain daylight. 1 use, you gain 1 extra use each time a member of the Golden Dragon is executed on trial. Cannot be used during a trial.
Sow Discord (Night) - Select up to two players and make them appear suspicious to investigative results. Unlimited uses.
Political Backlash (Night) - Select two players. If the first one would be executed on trial, the second one will die instead. Can target yourself. 2 uses.
Goal: Defeat the main factions and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Note: If the Count steps up he will turn into a Psycho Queen, since he is technically a Neutral Killer.

The Evil Twin
Neutral, Killer. Always spawns with The Good Twin
Special Bond (Passive) - You and your twin can communicate at night. If your twin dies at night, his killer will be revealed to you.
The Evil Gene (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Slash (Night) - Kill a player. Unlimited uses.
Psycho protector (Night) - Protect your twin tonight, healing any poison/bleeding/venom effects on him and making him night immune. Everyone who visits your twin tonight will die. 3 uses.
Goal: Defeat the main factions and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Psycho Queen
Unique Special, Unknown Alignment. Replaces the King.
Royal Audience (Passive) - You are immune to death, occupation and redirection. The Queen can talk with all royals at night.
The Royal Finger (Day) - Put someone immediately on trial. This counts towards the trial limit. 2 uses.
Heir (Day) - Select a player and give them Royal Blood, or remove it if they already have it. 1 use.
Guards! - Kill a player. Unlimited uses.
Goal: Defeat the main factions and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Crowned from Neutral Killers or The Baron.

The Siren
Neutral Killer
Charm (Passive) - You are immune to death for the first 3 nights or until you convert your first minion, whatever happens first.
Siren’s song (Passive) - You and your minion can speak at night. If you would die at night (including death by poison/bleeding/venom), your minion will die in your place.
Siren’s Gaze (Day) - Select a player. If they can be converted you will know their class type. Can be used on day 1. - 4 uses.
Lure (Night) - Select a player, if they are a convertible GD class you will convert them into a minion. They will keep their previous abilities, but their goal will change to “Make sure the Siren wins.”. If you already have a minion, your current minion will die (this cannot be healed or prevented in any way) - 3 uses. You will not lose a charge of this ability unless a player is converted.
Attack Order (Night) - Send your minion to attack a player, in addition to their chosen night action. If you don’t have a minion you will attack them yourself - Unlimited uses.
Goal: Defeat the main factions and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


Queen (Can be Golden Dragon or Reptilian)
Random Reptilian
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon
Random Golden Dragon OR Random Neutral
Random Neutral
Random Neutral
Neutral Killer OR The Count

:crown: Queen

  1. Firekitten
  2. Marluxion
  3. PoisonedSquid The Royal Guard
  4. Icibalus
  5. Frostwolf103 (replacing Sam17z), The Mage
  6. Lightsin (replacing Blizer), The Captain
  7. Sarun :crown:
  8. Mathblade, The Reptilian Queen
  9. Solic, The Gravekeeper
  10. bazingaboy
  11. GamerPoke (Replacing Livicus)
  12. htm, The Matriarch
  13. Margaret, The Siren
  14. MtheJoker, The Librarian
  15. Memesky
  16. Marcus_Doodalee


  1. Sketch

Notable events:
Start of Day 2
MtheJoker is lynched. They were: The Librarian
Margaret is lynched. They were: The Siren
Solic and PoisonedSquid died in plain daylight!

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Uh what

Bribery succeed!

Totally didn’t copy that from the first Golden Dragon game thread lol

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/we are number one


I relate but you should also check it lmao

which means in

Fire was in before you



multitabling 3 games before school starts is a great idea
(in all seriousness I’m p sure the games I’m in will end soon enough so I can in this without being utterly fucked over)


Wait… is it me or this just said classcards earlier ago?

/join Im ready for round 2.

Where is adapt and evolve I am pretty excited for that?

I know why it end up in this way, but isn’t pointless to spectate? You would might as well write: “I don’t accept any spectators”. :thinking:

This game will be used to test reptillians and balance accordingly so if everything goes right adapt and evolve will be my next SFoL

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When does school start for you?

literally tomorrow afternoon, but it’s not as bad as it seems

/we are number two