SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

I was baiting lul

Meme pretty much outed himself and you so that’s why I think its really dumb of you to try and confuse scum there.

You don’t have any suspicions on Memesky for outing this?

If Math said he was neut then he would have been scum confirmed

I don’t know what to make of meme outing Ici Royal. It pisses me off. I had to work through lunch so I haven’t had a chance to go through the classes yet. However being pissed and annoyed is generally not a good reason for a read

ngl I’m getting pretty sick of this answer from you whenever you flat refuse to answer my question.

Boy/Girl I have more years playing mafia than most people posting here have been alive. If you think I am scum bring it. I am new to this setup. Not new to mafia as a whole.


I did not refuse to answer. I did answer the question. I just haven’t had the chance to give it the depth it requires. My job always comes first. Deal.

A gutread then?

I don’t do gut reads when pissed. When I am mad the world is scum.

Nah I don’t think your scum, I was just baiting.

But I don’t think you are town either.

Logic …fail

No not a logic fail

Your null to me

I think this interaction is TvT, but Im annoyed that Math isn’t giving any pronouncements on Meme’s behaviour.

Math, does Meme’s behaviour have any shred of relevance to what this Sarun/Ici thing is all about?

As an offshoot possibly. I need time to look at the mechanics. I could say too much if I am not careful. I have been noticing lots of little signals I think and I want to take the time to think about them properly.

The way to say that is I don’t have a townread or a scumread on you then.

Saying it the way you did means you don’t believe I have a town or scum role PM.

You seem pretty in tune with the mechanics seeing as you believe Sarun and have heir’d Ici.

Believing someone and figuring out who is truthtelling or not can be done without knowing/having a belief in the role. I heir’d Ici because regardless of Sarun’s alignment the only conclusion I could read is Ici being town.

I even explained this earlier in my defense of Sarun/Ici.

If we assume worst case scenario that Sarun is indeed a reptile then at this point Ici has to be a gd. That’s too much risk for an evil person to make to claim mechanical information someone is town.

I feel like Frost and Solic might be the scumteam ngl

Their interactions are strange…

I feel like you’re scum still almost every time you post