SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

I think the rules say 2+matriarch for three? I think the most right now is two inlcuding if I read the matriarch correctly?

Technically yes. The thing is the Matriarch needs 2 nights to complete the conversion because of how the egg hatching mechanics work.

The only way they’d have three Reptilians right now would be if they spawned with a Behemoth, the Matriarch used Quick Growth on the Behemoth, and then the Behemoth used Premature Hatch. That’d require a Behemoth to be the RR and then using these abilities prematurely would be a waste. Right now it’s likely only two Reptilians here, and the NK is a solo faction unless the Twins spawned.

I think this assertion is slightly wrong but I understand it now.

Icibalus was not near his untimely demise, so your outing was unnecessary. Praytell why someone of your intellectual level is putting themselves on display for every evil so early?


it could be just me reading too much into the NAI FK things

But I still kinda think that’s townie ngl

Also in these posts I feel like FK was trying to white knight me

The reason for defending me is actually kinda bad and then when he realizes it’s bad he kinda just backtracks.

But you are right

My first Language isn’t English

So what am I to you townie or scum.

I think you are town but still those posts just scream whiteknighting to me

May I ask what it is? Russian?

White knighting is something scum do so you are saying I’m town white knighting you. Why do you think I’m Town then?


No it’s French

I mean it’s kinda conflicting

I think you are town but at the same time it seemed scummy to me.

but how am I Towny to you if I’m scummy to you.

You did something townie and you did something scummy is basically what I’m trying to say.

So I’m null is what you are saying.

No you are town because the townie thing you did out beats the scummy thing

So slight townlean

Okay conclusion of this nonsense argument about me being townie and I’m scummy:Htm is town.

See here is where he says it’s kinda conflicting, thing is he realized this as he was typing it out. Htm wouldn’t contradict himself like that if he was scum, as well he says

In the post he says that contradicting is scummy for marl, but he REALIZES it’s scummy, therefore that means he would be on the lookout and try to stop him from contradicting himself. Here he admits that the post was contradicting himself, therefore as scum I don’t see him pressing enter if he KNEW he was contradicting himself.

Therefore vote solic.

What’s Solic’s Timezone?