SFOL 34: FE Echoes I - (Deliverance Wins!)

I need to point out something here. I “tried” to vote lances but i cocouldn’t because I didnt make it bold. And I ma not leaning to anyone for now. I have my suspicion on 1 bud now. But I would like to talk when i have somethin more.

I guarantee there’s a scum in there

Can someone explain Hjiasik to me?

I forgot this game even existed for a while

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Ok so what I see is that most people accuse me and bazinga but they doubtfully ever look at how it would look out from deliverance point of wiev

So lets start with why we both cant be scum
Bazinga started to defend me after majority of votes were on me (7/12) at that point it was pretty obvious that i am going to get upped since most of the people just sheeped on me. Now in case if we are both deliverance that would not make since after i would flip deliverance everyone would think Bazinga is deliverance too

if deliverence wanted to defend me they would either all try to defend me not just out one member and in case we are both deliverance only logical choise for bazinga would vote against me (after majority of votes are on me)

there are still 2-3 members who are voting against me or not voting at all and if I and bazinga are both deliverance they would tell bazinga to vote me or try to defend me too since otherway bazinga will be targeted after being only one defending me

Now that i prooved that we are either both town or only one of us is scum wich i doubt too

Now about my scumreadings since u asked for it

Poisoned Squid
He accused me for something i have never even done and most of his arguments against me are straw mans
He also seems to ignore my points and arguments in conversation and repeatedly asks me same questions that I already answered
i would say that he is most likely scum but nothing to be sure about him
he also seemed to want to execute me even before hearing my arguments

Insanity, Overthebin, Gamerpoke,Cube,NozBugz
well most of them barely writed anything whole game but still sheeped me and gave no reason to it I am completly sure that 1-2 of members on this list are scums

Now about why i picked swords
since king doesnt know what deliverance would pick deliverance would not be able to tell him what to vote he also brought list of benefits we would get if we voted swords

well since my class is cleric there is no way i can proove it right now so lets not talk about it

most of the reasons why am i here are false I already explained why i voted swords and voted axes at the end but some people still say that i contradict myself there.

After i flip town i suggest u to check or lynch people i mentioned above in my scumreadings

Most people accuse me for accusing Sarun after eevee said information that contradicts what sarun said but i dont know what else do u expect from a newbie (to completly ignore investigation results?)

Not mine, Sarun’s ones.

/PARDON :white_check_mark::ballot_box_with_check::white_check_mark::ballot_box_with_check:

thats a good defense so imma pardon. /pardon

Hey Math, I can recognize MS/MU playstyle and I’m glad you brought it here, but right now all you do is iritate me.

Not only you hit the only person here wich understands your plays, but also are throwing the topic backwards instead of furthering any analysis on it.

I know most of MU people rarly read whole mash, until there is like below 15 people alive. Even I skip some pages there in 50+ games.

But here? People actualy read stuff.
And you are asking questions wich were already explained over and over again.

I hopped to have person I can work with. Try a bit harder to adapt to site’s meta.
Different aproach is fine, but when it’s helping, not clogging the thread.

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what is ms/mu? halp.

i should really be keeping track on which games i am in a ping is appreciated thanks.

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Redirects, investigation immunity, mind warps, fakeclaims, ect. ect.

There is load of ways how investigating results can go wrong.

Like if Sarun is converted, they can make whole faction appear not suspicious twice.

If you feel that check is wrong… Then it’s wrong.

Hey I may not be able to check my phone in next 6 hours. So if this trial ends before. This is why i didn’t vote.

Different websites where people can play forum mafia.

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Personally… I think his actions are (scum) because he tunneled like an idiot too hard into the day. I mean, people tunnel hard, and there’s something called tunnel vision. I think that’s in his head now, he’s tunneled vision too hard to accept all other point of views.


I’m going to iso before exeing or pardoning.


Not if thing such as “Whiteknighting” exists. World isn’t black and white even if you flip scum it doesn’t mean Baz is 100% confirmed to your buddy.

You’re forgetting about one thing. Even if you may Town, Baz may defended you to gain Town credit after you flip. Also he may trying to pocket you in order to survive to late game. (Fool you into thinking he’s Town while he isn’t)

Why isn’t Sarun in the list? Weren’t you voting him like a while ago? Is this a backpedal I see? :eyes:

There is no fuckin’ way Sword Train was fueled by Town. This hasty start and shifts with little reasoning bring up the conclusion that Scum was the conductor.

We expect you to not tunnel anyone unless you’re sure they’re scum 100%.

/Deux Vult

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Yes but in case we are both deliverance he doubtfully would protect me since after i would flip deliverance he would be most suspect since he was only one protectingme

i said that it wouldnt make sense if we both would be deliverance
i even mentioned that there is possiblity of scum and town this is just a straw man and u are not reading what i write

since eevee said that he wasnt arcanist and that were not his true results i have no more evidence to push sarun since i pushed him because of information eevee gave

scums could have tried to own credit by voting swords and if swords would turn out to be winning choise they would be suspicious for being only ones who didnt vote winning weapon.

if both were not lying i would be sure that sarun is a scum so i voted him
If eevee in fact did gave fake info i would expect him to say that info was fake at the trial so we wouldnt mislynch in that case