SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!


/accuse livicus

You should use bold to vote Hjasik itā€™s helpful to hosts

Well, it looked like an OMGUS, but you do have a point

Sooo uuhhhhh


vote liivicus

So, Iā€™d actually like to talk about mechanics for a moment.

For the projects Iā€™d really believe we should try rushing at least one granary around d3 here while Watchmen and Vanguards should also add the civilians to their WIFOM cycle until we can get the NK out, while Clinicians shouldnā€™t as All-in bypasses healing. If we donā€™t then from the hunger alone and depending on how the NK acts then theoretically weā€™d have to win this game by d5 or d6.

Also, Iā€™m leaning towards accepting a Merchants and Beggars in strategy. Since there is a static number of neutrals here then I donā€™t think anyone would try to fakeclaim a neutral class in this setup. If these two classes out then they will not have to worry about being night killed ergo they wonā€™t need to screw around with our resources and weā€™d technically get two players out of the PoE, which is a plus. Essentially, if they out then Iā€™d say itā€™d be safe to ignore them as long as they donā€™t intentionally mess with the Projects.


cough wouldnā€™t be surprised if a bounty hunter puts a bounty on livicus

Are you being serious?

Explain how?

no just wondering if Neuts should actually out

Itā€™s a trap!

also Lumber Mill or Quarry should be first project

No we need the food

we need the resources first

if youā€™ve played Civ, you always need to stock up on base resources

Itā€™ll take 2 days max to get the granary done. Those other things are a waste of time

We need to have this at some point as we need to keep the citizens alive

Then again I DO hate poor peopleā€¦ hmmm

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I see no downsides for Beggars and Merchants to out, tbh. Lynching survivors when we know there are exactly two neutrals is a waste of a day, plus the neuts here need to screw us over to gain night immunity, so they may as well out so they arenā€™t nightkilled in exchange for not being lynched as long as they donā€™t mess with the resources.

D2, yes, but IMO a granary should be mandatory.