SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

Mhm. And your action last night?

I didnā€™t send in an action N2. But I occupied Celeste N1. Itā€™s the reason why I voted them tbh

Why didnā€™t you do anything Night 2? :thinking:

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We got 'em bois

Just didnā€™t send in my night action you noob. Was too late

Nice of you to CC a confirmed town by the way, makes our job tonight real smooth.

Thatā€™s :clap: not :clap: a :clap: good :clap: excuse :clap:

If you think as scum I would make myself that sus your funny

There can be 2 engineers you dude. Also how are you confirmed Town?

How are you confirmed town l0l

Seriously, why didnā€™t you say anything Day 1 about occing Celeste?

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Baz claimed to get no result last night before I admitted I occupied them.

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Plus it couldnā€™t have been you that did it since you didnā€™t act last night. Apparently.

He is confirmed town. Convert died and the originals have no action like that.

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This is a simple fix though. Sam if you are legit occupier occupy @livicus when he tries to kill you tonight. Checkmate atheists


Gameā€™s as good as done fellers, we can wrap this up nicely tomorrow



Am i just like concensus Marl target ;(

So basically Iā€™ve done NOTHING useful

I cri everytiem

I had to get revenge for when you killed me as alch