SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!


imma just bring up this meme again.
it’s more accurate when referencing earlier


Tfw you don’t know if it’s a good idea to out who you plan on sealing if htm gets the lynch

I mean I should probably change it to the back of the gun saying “every message”

dont out

if you out. scum can have the chance to play past it

guys my ear is killing me rn.

I think I should sleep, this static fucking hurts and it always happens

what time is there

so yeah I’m likely sleeping considering I know my ass won’t be on trial until tomorrow

here is 4 pm

11pm in aest

I had a feeling that was the case, RM2 my scum team worked around who everyone was targeting, also they had the bright idea to all open claim D2 when I had the ability to perma-disable their Ritual abilities if I guessed their exact class.

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…You are aware I’m referencing a different game, right?

basically. scum having more info that town dont is bad for us

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I mean that was probably a joke

It’s hard to tell what’s a joke with hjasik

bye everyone.

btw how’s 1am going Marcus.

I’m going deaf in my left ear

he would’ve def voted ya if it were serious

cya ya’ll imma finna sleep

this game forces me to sit to 3 AM cuz ppl get active only then